
Fashion Week: Wrap-Up & Winner Announcement!

I hope you all enjoyed the 2nd Annual Chels & the City Fashion Week! I have really enjoyed hosting Sara, Toni, Danielle, Jessica, and Meagan. Thank you, ladies for allowing me to interview you and being such a vital part of this week. You five are amazing and I am so glad that I am able to call each of you a friend. I really mean that. These five and the relationship I've built with each of them over the last year or two has been incredible and just goes to show how great blogging can be if you put in the time and energy it deserves. 

And thank you, sweet readers, for sharing this week with your friends, coming back everyday to see the next featured blogger and interacting with us through commenting and entering in the giveaway. You all are what makes blogging worth while and I'm sure I can speak for all of us in saying thank you so much for following along this week! But now onto the part you all have come here for, the winner of the $50 Target gift card is....drum roll, please...

Please email me at chelsandthecity(at)gmail(dot)com by Sunday at 11pm to claim your prize!
If prize is not claimed within this time frame, a new random winner will be selected.
Thank you to all who entered for making this week such a success! Have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks, Chelsea!! It was a lot of fun! Congrats to the winner!

  2. Congratulations, Jenna!

    Have a great week,



I love you for leaving a comment and do my best to reply to each one! I no longer accept anonymous commenting because of the amount of spam I was getting - I hope this isn't a problem for you. Thanks for checking out my blog :)