
Fashion Week: Meet Meagan of Because of Jackie!

Happy Friday! I hope you all have enjoyed Fashion Week and are entering the giveaway so you can get a jump start on your new spring wardrobe! Today's featured fashion blogger is Meagan from Because of Jackie

I've been following Meagan's blog for about a year or so now and have been boundlessly inspired by her blogging and fashion advice, and how she is able to be such a great mom to her two littles while taking her blogging further and further as a business. She's super serious about blogging and I love that she shares that passion and professionalism on her blog and really, I think, inspires the rest of us to take it to the next level. I also love that Meagan is not afraid to mix it up with different colors and patterns and doesn't limit herself to one style. She's bohemian one day and rocker the next, and she looks awesome in it all. Hope you enjoy her interview today and her fun style!

All photos provided by Meagan.

How would you define your style? 
I like an edge to what I wear, but with some feminine touches as well. I love studs, fringe, black and gray, but also enjoy floral headbands and a boho sensibility. I feel my best in those two styles and I sometimes mix the two as well.

Where are your favorite places to shop? 
I love Target for the price point and the constant new styles, I also really enjoy browsing Asos and Forever 21 online.

What are some of your favorite pieces or go-to pieces in your closet? 
I love Target's boyfriend tee's. I buy an XL for the slouch factor and constantly buy the white, black and grey versions when my old ones get worn out. I also have a pair of black, buckled ankle boots from Target that literally go with everything. 

Where does the inspiration for your outfits come from?
I like to browse Pinterest for different looks to try, and often recreate a theme or look I find on there. A lot of times I find when I am in a rush I pick some fun looks because I don't have time to edit or second guess myself. This can either go really well or terribly wrong;)

If someone asked you for style advice, what would you tell them? 
I think the best advice is to dress in a way that makes YOU happy. Don't worry about what other people will think, just wear things that put a bounce in your step and smile on your face.

When and why did you start fashion blogging? 
I started three years ago after finding a popular fashion blogger on Pinterest and was so intrigued! It has been a great journey of experimentation for me and finding myself after haven two kids back to back.

How has your style grown or changed since you began fashion blogging? 
I think I am more fearless in trying new styles and looks. I don't care as much about my "fails," because I just don't take it all that seriously. I also try not to get sucked into the trend game, I dress for me and like to let me own personality show and no one else's.

What advice do you have for bloggers just starting out? 
I think new bloggers should work on their photography and layout skills. Please! No inside photos, or photos in your front entry (I've done both!) Location and posing is more important than you think. As is photo quality, size, and your blog design and layout.

Anything else you'd like to add
Every blogger starts out with 1 follower and awful photos (I sure did.) The main point is to grow and learn from your mistakes and take it one day at a time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Me too! Love that she's not afraid to take risks.

  2. She has a great sense of fashion! Not to mention- what a cool doorway to take photos in! I wish my doorway was that cool! :)

  3. Haha, I know right!? That doorway never gets old.

  4. She's got a cool sense of style! I could never rock a headband like that.

  5. I know the feeling, Debra! I have a similar one and can never pull it off like this lol


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