
Fashion Week: A Winner & Some Favorites

Thank you for all of the excitement over Fashion Week
I loved reading all of your comments and messages about how you all enjoyed this week of "meeting" some great Pittsburgh fashion bloggers! I hope you loved each one of them and were able to see a full range of styles and maybe they inspired some outfits of your own. 
Also, thank you SO MUCH to Sarah, Zoe, Liz, Stephanie, and Terra
Thanks for letting me feature each of you, sharing your posts, 
and being excited about Fashion Week since I asked you to be a part of it! 
You are all fabulous and I admire each of you for different reasons. 
Thanks for helping to make Pittsburgh fashionable! 

Now on to why you're all here! 
The winner of the ModCloth and Heinz History Center giveaway is... 
Rachel Mazur!  
You are now the proud owner of two tickets to the
ModStylists' Fashion Show on Friday, April 12th 
and two tickets to the Vintage Pittsburgh event on Saturday, April 13th. 
You are in for one hell of a weekend! 
Email me at chelsandthecity[at]gmail[dot]com for details and to claim your prize!

And since Fashion Week was done to celebrate one year of Fashion Forward Fridays
here are your three most viewed fashionista/o's from the past year.

MJ - 5.11.12

Erin - 11.02.12

Richelle - 12.28.12

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh my! I wish I had visited earlier this week because I would've loved to entry for the fashion show! It would've been so great and I love all the interviews. I really haven't discovered too many pittsburgh bloggers which I should since it's pretty close.

    1. Oh Jessica! I totally meant to email you about it too since you're not that far away! Sorry I forgot but glad you were able to catch up and read all the interviews at least!

  2. Totally missed the giveaway! I'll have to go back and read all the posts... Richelle's sweater is super cute!


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