
Chelsea Lately

I can totally steal that phrase right? I mean, it's my name too and Chelsea Handler stole the idea of having a talk show from me (Chelsea Tonight! is going to happen) ....maybe.

Anyway, since I've been pretty MIA recently and I didn't get to talk about what is/was going on too much during Fashion Week, here's a picture-heavy post to get you up to date on my life. Also, in between each of these pictures, please visualize me looking like a hot mess in a Mac lab at Point Park trying to design/re-brand the Pioneer Magazine and other miscellaneous things. Because, let's be real, that's what I've really been doing. Along with applying for jobs because I graduate in TWO WEEKS. Eek!

Went to the Pirates home opener with my parents and brother! Welcome baseball season - I looooove you!!
Red Beard's opened downtown - right between Verve and Six Penn. Expect a full review!
I got a free cake after waiting in line for 30 mins from CAKE BOSS! Yum! Thank you, Buddy!
WGF held their annual Equal Pay Day - good job ladies!
Went to Jumonville for a dean's meeting - excited for baby dance camp!
Eric talked me in to joining the PTS softball team for PSL. Our first game was yesterday, we won 21-7!!!
Spring finally came to Pittsburgh! I love you warm temps and sunshine!! 


  1. I can't wait to start going to ball games this summer! They are so much fun and the excitement is always contagious. Love your little round up of photos! <3


  2. Free cakes - sounds like my kind of heaven!

    Have a good day,

  3. yay!! YES to baseball. So excited too!
    And congrats on your upcoming graduation! Good luck on the interview process! =)



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