
Bloggers: Here's What I Really Think About You

Like I said yesterday, most of the posts this week were inspired by recent posts I've seen from other blogging ladies. This one, I saw on Elizabeth of Undeniably, Me. And it's about, obviously, how I really feel about certain bloggers. In this community of bloggers, you really start to favor some and get to know the ladies behind the blog more than you would think. So specific things tend to stick out about those women and I want to share this list of favorites today! Enjoy & go make some friends!
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Comes Up With The Most Unique Ways to Have Fun: Jessica of Midwest Muse. Whether it's planning a city-wide clothing swap, attending local concerts, being a thrifting pro and showing off her looks on the runway, or hosting her own party, Jessica has got it going on. I'm always so impressed (and jealous) of her adventures! She makes Ohio actually seem cool ;)

Prettiest Smile: Sarah of Coming Unstitched. You've seen Sarah around here before and I'm sure you'd agree that this lady has got a pretty smile. I love that you can tell how genuine it is in her daily outfit posts too.

Never Fails to Leave Me Hungry: Setarra of Quaintrelle. First of all, I should mention that I feel like if Setarra and I ever met in real life, we'd be besties. We have too much in common, literally right down to when we tore our ACL's, that it's hard for me not to want to be her real-life friend. But her blog talks a lot of her travels and restaurant reviews. And she takes such gorgeous pictures of her meals and describes them in such detail that I cannot help but leave her blog drooling and heading to my refrigerator.

Most Gorgeous Home: Maddie of Maddie Richardson - A Lifestyle Blog. Every post that has a picture of her home makes me swoon. The space just looks so bright, airy, comfortable and not overly styled. Gorgeous space. Plus she shares it with a cute puppy...and hubby.

My Favorite Hair Color: Robyn of Cleverly, Yours. You have more than likely seen Robyn if you are a fan of Pinterest. I'm pretty sure that her outfits are pinned more than anything else on that site. But she also has the greatest hair ever. Super long and dark brown. All kinds of jealousy running through my veins when I visit her blog haha

Crazy Cat Lady: Elizabeth of Undeniably, Me. You know this is out of love! The girl who inspired this post and the girl who is the mommy to Khalifa's brother, Oliver. What a great name he has! My whole family approves haha Anyway, Elizabeth posts hilarious stories about Oliver and he's even guest-posted on her blog before, so there's that.

What do you really think of some bloggers? Tell me who you'd name for these!


  1. What a sweet post Chelsea! I hope those wonderful bloggers get to see their mentions! :)

  2. Thanks, Lauren! I tried to tag them all in my social media blasts so hopefully they do!

  3. Hahaha aw thanks Chelsea! It is so true, they do look like brothers! :)

  4. We would totally be besties in real life! And thank you for this shoutout; way to make a grown girl blush! p.s. how are you liking disquis so far? I've been thinking about moving my comments over to them..

  5. Haha you're welcome, sweets! And it's okay so far! I like that it's more conversational and keeps that conversation on my blog instead of in emails. And since I used to just reply to people's comment right here on my blog, this way I don't have to change my style of getting back to them, and it's easier for them to actually see my reply. It was just weird setting up though because all my older posts before getting disquis are just a jumbled mess of comments lol my replies don't look like replies and no one is signed in so they look messy, but the new posts look good haha

  6. Excited to find some new blogs to read - thank you!

  7. Awesome post! I love finding new blogs to read!

  8. Neat Post to share with others. There are so many interesting people that you get to know through blogs, and also through their writing and particular inspiration, then sometimes as in your Post, even one of these could become one of your besties. Nice enthusiasm and generosity too Chelsea.

  9. Lovely post! We just stopped by to say hello. We're Dorco, a manufacturer of high quality shaving systems, cartridges and disposable razors for men and women, and our razors cost up to 75% less than leading brands. But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice the quality of your shave. Our razors are crafted with the highest quality blades and lubricating strips containing moisturizing ingredients like aloe and vitamin E to soothe and hydrate even the most sensitive skin. But don't take our word for it--read what others think about our products and our prices at DorcoUSA.com. Thanks for hearing us out!

  10. Glad you liked it, Megan! Theses ladies are all great to follow!

  11. Thanks, Peggy! I truly meant every word!

  12. Thank you again so much for this. I feel like I won a yearbook contest :)

  13. Steph from the Loudmouth Lifestyle, Steph from Take Hart, Chalk White Arrow, Elise Blaha, - I actually have a really long list and I keep editing it as time goes on....-Jess L

  14. Posts like these make me click through to other blogs, so that's awesome. It's an amazing community.

  15. How did I forget about Loudmouth!? All of her posts make me jealous haha

  16. Good! Hope you found some blogs you like! All these ladies are great!


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