
If My Blog Were An Outfit

This week, except for Friday, I'm going to be "copying" posts that I've seen from other bloggers. Right now, I've hit a bit of writer's block. And while I've been concentrating on some other things and really going hard with them, my mojo seems a little off for the first time ever in the writing department. So to give a little nod to bloggers who I think are cool and posts they've done, and to still keep my blog going while I'm in this little funk, I hope you enjoy these posts and visit the ladies who inspired them!

First up is an idea that has been floating around between a few bloggers, but that I first saw on The Anna Belle Blog. I really like the idea of, "If your blog was a person, what would she wear?" I think this is exactly what my blog would be wearing, and I approve because I have basically all these things in my closet as well. So I guess that means my blog is a good reflection of the real me? I always try to make it that way at least!
Made with Polyvore.
Dark wash skinny jeans are my best friend, as they should be with all curvy girls! I have about 500 pairs of them. A pretty, yet flowy top in a bold color...I probably have 500 of them as well because they look dressy while you can actually be feeling comfortable in them. Pink heels, come on guys, you know me. White blazer, I think I have a blazer in every color thanks to working for Dress for Success. A blazer just pulls a look together for me and I think completes it without going too far overboard. Then a grey cross body bag, I actually have been lusting over this one from Kate Spade so I had to add it in. An ampersand necklace because I'm obsessed with the ampersand, in case you haven't noticed. It is an underused and interestingly beautiful part of the keyboard haha. And I added glasses because I've actually been wearing mine a lot more now that I pretty much stare at a computer screen all day. And then my essentials of grey nail polish (note the accent of grey throughout my blog design) and eos strawberry sorbet lip balm because it's my favorite and the pink matches my blog.

Do you think this is a good representation of my blog? What would your blog wear?


  1. i love this idea! and it's something i've actually never considered. sometimes i think about what i would wear if i were to re-do my sidebar with a photo/headshot of myself (instead of the illustration), and that has a lot to do with the color palette, more than the pieces. i think probably a polka dot skirt, chambray, pink flats, and a headscarf would be my blog's outfit. yours fits your blog's design and personality perfectly!

    can't wait to see what else you have to show us this week. i think it's a cool/great idea to "copy" posts to get your juices going. writing workshops often include exercises where you mimic another piece of writing, and that can produce some awesome work. such a smart idea to apply it to blogging.

    xo nicole

  2. Thanks, Nicole! I feel like I need to redo my headshot photo and wear an outfit like this in it instead. Though I really like your illustration one so that's clever! Glad this look seems to match my design and my own style!

    And I've done stuff like this for writing courses before so I figured it'd get my writing juices flowing and be a nice way to give a shout-out to other blogging ladies. Hope you enjoy what's planned!

  3. I have been seeing these posts around - they are the cutest thing! I am totally going to copy you now, haha.

  4. Love this outfit! The ampersand necklace is a nice blogger-y touch :) And, those heels are hot!

  5. Haha thanks, Anna! The ampersand has always been a big part of my blog's logo through all of the re-designs I've done so I knew it had to be in there.

  6. This is such a hilarious idea and I could totally see your blog wearing this.

  7. I pretty much lust over anything that is Kate Spade :)

  8. Love this outfit! Very sophisticated but still fun!

  9. Me too! I'm so sad this is out of stock right now :(


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