
Chels Wears: Cobalt & Sass

Alright, alright, we know I always wear sass, but how about these pants! I just bought them (from Walmart, no less) and am already obsessed with them. Cobalt is one of my favorite colors to wear. I have approximately 300 shirts in cobalt but these are my first pair of pants in the bright blue and I love them. I also got this gray shirt in green as well because it's so soft and comfortable and so easy to dress up or down. I had to seriously refrain myself from getting the purple on too. But when lightweight shirts are on sale that means spring is here! So I'm not letting the snow that is clearly still on the ground to get me down!

What's your favorite way to wear cobalt?


  1. I am always impressed with your sense of style, Chelsea. My favorite way to do cobalt is in a to or a Dansko shoe... Jeans are my staple and I like to use pops of color to showcase my eyes/face. Live Danskos because they can be ridiculous and still be functional (especially for someone with MS). Keep rocking it... You're doing great!!

  2. Love the outfit! I really like the striped shirt- i am big into stripes right now!

  3. Hi, I am Ada.

    Stopping by from the link up. I love the title of this post and this outfit. You are 100% Cobalt & Sass. Love the styling you did to your colored pants. Great blazer & clutch, Chelsea.

    You got a new fan. Have a great Wednesday, Ada. =)

  4. I definitely love that bright blue color, and your long necklace is cute, too!

  5. Oh, I love cobalt! And that handbag is so much fun. :)

  6. Love those blue skinnies!! Your whole outfit is adorable but those pants really make it pop!

  7. Love it! I'm totally going to wear sass tomorrow :) Plus, those boot are hot!

  8. Thank you, Alison! I like using one pop of color most times to just set an outfit apart too.

  9. Thank you, Rachel! I got it from Walmart so I'm sure you could find one near you.

  10. Thanks so much, Ada! Glad you stopped by!

  11. Thank you, Rachel! I actually got the necklace like six years ago, but it's still one of my favorites!

  12. LOVING cobalt as a staple color right now! I just ordered a bag and a bunch of bangles in the hue!

    XO Sahra
    Que Sera Sahra

  13. Well hey sassy pants! I love how bright they are. Makes the "spring" we're having not seem SO terrible.

  14. love this color combo and how great do the stripes with that touch of paisley on your cuff

  15. Haha! Thanks, Sarah, that's how I feel about them too!

  16. I knew the queen of pattern-mixing (aka: you) would like that little touch! Thanks, Brett!

  17. Those pants look so fun. I have nothing like those in my closet, but they look perfect for spring!



  18. Good find at Walmart! Someone once told me that there is a jeans/pants factory somewhere and they put different labels like Guess, Mossimo, etc, on all the pants and get distributed accordingly. So really some people are paying more money for the same pants that they sell at Walmart. And I love those booties! -Jess L

  19. They are perfect! And fit really nicely.

  20. That's awesome! I'd hope so, I always look there first for clothes. And thank you!!

  21. I love your pants--such a perfect shade of blue!!
    I see in your sidebar that you're in PA--I am too :)

  22. Awesome! Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!

  23. omg i love the cobalt jeans!!!! i can't believe they are from Walmart! I gotta go check it out!!!


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