
Craving Burgers & Beer?

Sometimes (not often) I just have a craving for Fat Head's. Thankfully, it was like my brother knew this and when he was making lunch, made me a hamburger and although not as good as Fat Head's, it was good enough to fill the void of red meat in my life. Fat Head's in South Side is, surprisingly, one of my favorite places to go in the city. I'm not a big fan of red meat, but when I'm craving it, look out. They also have a huge selection of beers, being a brewery and all, and while I'm not usually a beer fan, they have a big enough variety for me to find one that's good enough for me. (Read: girly enough for me.)

While the brewery is actually located in Cleveland, I'll admit in this case, that city is good for one thing. The last time I went was during my "last" week in Pittsburgh with a couple of friends before heading to the AcoutstiCafe at Club Cafe with my brother and I found my perfect meal combination of the Kelsey Burger (topped with a pierogie), fries and an Rivertowne Babbling Blonde, this meal in general screams Pittsburgh and girly, it should be called the Chelsea Combo, but I'm not too sure how Kelsey would feel about that.

What I love most about this place is the atmosphere though, especially the outside porch space. If it wasn't so rainy in Pittsburgh these days, I'd suggest going and requesting the "Chelsea Combo" and a seat outside, but instead, just order it inside and then later in the summer when it's beautiful out you can crave this combo and head outdoors.


  1. The last time my husband and I went to Fatheads was here in Ohio during Christmas. I must say the food was great and I loved the blueberry beer, was it? I'm not a beer drinker, but Scott is, although every once in a while I, too, will try to find a girly kind of beer. Scott does the drinking, while I do the eating. It's perfect!-Jess L

    1. Haha sounds like me and my boyfriend. I am hard to please on the beer front.


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