
Fashion Forward Fridays Reader Submitted: Meet Tara!

So, you know what a great feeling is as a blogger? Getting your stuff read and liked. Even if it's just by one person, it's fabulous. Since I moved, I guess word got out that I would probably be doing "reader submitted" Fashion Forward Fridays until further notice. Which is basically true and thanks to friends and friends of friends and genuine readers, I think I'm pretty set with this little segment of the blog for awhile and I so appreciate that. I love that you guys love this section of my blog so much that you're willing to get someone to take pictures of you of cute outfits and be featured. 

Admittedly, I do miss the little rush of nerves that race through my veins as I'm about to ask someone randomly on the street to be on my blog and I miss making that in-person connection through those little interviews, I do very much appreciate the emails and Facebook messages asking to be featured. Today is no different. Tara, today's fashionista, is actually a close friend to Jodi, whom I met at Jodi's birthday party. And once Jodi let her know I was accepting reader submissions for Fashion Forward Fridays, it was on. We were supposed to meet up in downtown once, but when that didn't work out, Tara still found a way to get pictures taken and email them to me, along with her interview. (Thanks, Tara!) And below, in her own words and showing off a cute and simple summer outfit, here she is...

Love these sandals!
How would you define your style? 
My style is very comfortable and affordable. I won't wear anything that I am not comfortable in. Being a post college grad, affordability is essential. I am also pretty versatile. I wear big, sparkly, studded earrings one day and then skulls the next. I try not to limit myself to one particular style or trend. 

Where are your favorite places to shop? 
I work at Target, therefore I shop a lot at Target. They have some really great affordable basics. I get my jeans from Old Navy. I love that they fit me perfectly. 

Left: Closeup of Forever 21 earrings | Right: Closeup of Tara's, Charming Charlie's necklace.
Where are the pieces of your outfit from? 
My dress and shoes are from Target. I bought them both for the summer and can't wait to wear them constantly! My necklace is from Charming Charlie's. That store is an accessory heaven and I highly recommend it. My earrings are from Forever 21, which is my favorite place to go for super cheap earrings.

What advice would you give to someone trying to amp up their style? 
Accessories. Fun earrings can do a lot for an outfit. I always try to wear a great pair of earrings every day, even if I am only going to work. Also, make sure that whatever you choose to wear, you are comfortable. There is nothing worse then getting an outfit to keep up with style trends to realize how uncomfortable it makes you feel. 

Who doesn't love a great maxi for summer?
GQ named Pittsburgh the third worst dressed city - do you agree/disagree and why/why not? 
I think that Pittsburgh gets a bad fashion rep because of our love to wear sport jerseys. For some reason people in Pittsburgh think it is okay and reasonable to wear their favorite jersey everywhere. 
True, people do think it's okay to wear jerseys everywhere. Let's try to settle down on that, shall we?
At least to nice places...and church. Anyway, Happy Friday, everyone and since the word is 
officially out now, by all means, if you'd like to be featured on Fashion Forward Fridays, or 
know of a designer, boutique or fellow Pittsburgher who should be featured, 
email me at chelsandthecity[at]gmail[dot]com and I'll get back to you asap!


  1. I love her maxi dress! The colors at the bottom are really fun. And I love getting my jewelry at F21. They have the best trendy jewelry for pretty cheap. I always stock up on earrings and rings there. :)

    And how can your boyfriend not like floral print?? Eh, what am I saying? There are probably tons of prints my husband hates. But I wear them anyway! haha! Have a good weekend Chelsea! <3


    1. Thanks, Toni - hope you and the family have a great weekend too! And agreed, the F21 jewelry is the hardest to pass up!

  2. CUTE CUTE dress! Love all the colors!


  3. awesome outfit! love your sandaletts :D


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