
Rain, Rain Go Away - We Wanna Go To Arts Fest!

As I mentioned in my last post, the Three Rivers Arts Festival, hosted by Dollar Bank and the Cultural Trust, is a go! With the big opening night on Friday filled with the new Point State Park fountain and headlining band, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, I'm thinking this year will be the best yet.

Although when Eric and I were down there on Friday we were not able to make it in time to be able to walk around to explore the art booths (I had us on a strict schedule of fountain, food, music) we do plan to go back on Wednesday for our mama's birthday. She's never been to the Arts Fest and is an avid fair goer and visual artist herself, so we're taking her and letting her pick her own present. She's stoked. :)

If you are unfamiliar with the Arts Fest, let me help you. I talked about it briefly last year but basically it is ten straight days of music, food and various kinds of art from mostly local artists. You can check out their daily schedules to help you plan your day, but to be honest, unless you see a specific performer, musician or artist at a certain time then the best you can do is just go down and soak it all in at once. Seriously, this is certainly the kind of thing you can just show up to without any kind of plan and have a fantastic time. See the map below for an idea of where everything is set up.

How could you go wrong with strolling through Point State Park and the Gateway Center grounds looking at (and possibly buying) art, making some art of your own in the Giant Eagle Creativity Zone, listing and watching performances on the three stages and/or eating some fair food? Sound like a great time to me, and judging by the popularity of this event, year after year, the rest of Pittsburgh too! Check it out, especially if you haven't before and be sure to walk to the very end of the Park to see the newly renovated fountain as well. Enjoy!

The main stage - Dollar Bank Stage - at the far end of the first lawn in Point State Park.
Hey guys - I finallllllllly saw Donora!!!!!! If you remember me wishing for this in a previous post.
Alex and Jade of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, this year's headlining band.
They invited this lucky kid, Nelson, up on stage with them for a song during Friday's show.
What I think of first when I think of Arts Fest - street performers everywhere!
Map from the Arts Fest website so you know where everything is located :)


  1. Sounds like such a fun time. I've done an Art Walk event before in downtown Sacramento and it was really fun. I'm sure Portland will have tons of events like this and I can't wait to go! <3


    1. Probably! I hope they do for your sake so you'll be able to do some interesting things that are okay for your little one too!

  2. Why am I always out of town when the good stuff happens?!

    1. It's going on until Sunday, Sarah! Get your arts on! lol

  3. This looks like so much fun! I wish more cities put on events like this.


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