
Happy Birthday Blog & Fashion Forward Fridays

Today is Chels & the City's first birthday! Awe, little baby blog. This is also my 100th post, which actually is not impressive but I did plan it that way once I realized it could work out this way about midway through January. I just wanted to thank all of you for following along with me this past year and for supporting me through the blog, all the social media outlets, and your private messages, texts and conversations. I really appreciate that I have such a great and inspiring support group, who appreciates what I do and challenges me to do better.

But I know my readers, and you guys don't like missing Fashion Forward Fridays. So today I am featuring someone who I think is like so super cute...

All photos by Richelle Szypulski.


I am in love with this picture, thanks Richelle!
Although I don't actually like the outfit that I wore for these photos, they are the clean pieces I have right now from my 30x30x30 challenge, and I wanted to make sure that you guys saw a better representation of the new bangs rather than the awful camera phone picture I posted before.

And to stay with Fashion Forward Fridays post style, I like to shop at Target, Macy's and H&M, but like anyone else, I cannot pass up a steal from Marshall's or Ross. I think that my style would be considered comfy-chic, although I am all about rocking a heel, even if it is not the most comfortable thing in the world. I am obsessed with shoes, so I cannot go without making a statement in that way. And as of late, my wardrobe has welcomed quite a few ready-to-wear corsets, which is any curvy girl's savior, but also takes a bucket of confidence to go with it and let's be real, some modesty so it's not too overwhelming.

As far as advice for others goes, I think you cannot be afraid of color or trying new things, but also, you should learn what looks good on you and stick to it. While I don't think I am representing that all too well with this outfit, it is possible to remain in style and wear what looks best on your body type. While I like trends and usually incorporate a lot of them in my wardrobe, not all look the best on everyone, just because it's in the magazines or on your favorite TV shows, doesn't mean it will be the best on you. It's better to make something look good on you, rather than trying to look good in something that already speaks for itself.

Ya know, just freezing.
While GQ called Pittsburgh the third-worst-dressed city and I created Fashion Forward Fridays to show that Pittsburgh is full of well-dressed people, I think that we all still have some work to do. There are plenty of people who are in the city and really making bold, interesting, and classic statements, but there are a lot of people who still don't seem to care at all. So finding an even balance might be where we should be headed instead. Either way, keep it fashionable, Pittsburgh, and thank you for your year of support!


  1. You are beautiful! I bet you that fella you are dating feels quite special to have a lady like you.

  2. You are so adorable! Love the jacket and the layers in that second outfit! Good luck with the rest of your 30x30!

  3. Aww, happy birthday to your blog (a few days ago). And your outfit is great- loving the pretty, girly layers.

    1. thank you - girly isn't typically my style but glad it's getting good reviews lol

  4. Happy birthday to your blog and congrats to your 100th post! -Jessica L

  5. happy blogaversary to you
    love the bangs
    i have done a 30x30 challenge before and know how hard it gets as you get farther along, good luck

  6. love the different outfits-you look great!


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