
Valentine's by Neighborhood

Wow. Have I been busy. Thank you to everyone who sent their well-wishes after my "blogiversary" post, I appreciate you sticking around even though for the past week I haven't really given you a reason to do so. Anyway, besides that back and forth temps, something else is in the air in Pittsburgh. Love. With tomorrow being Valentine's Day and this weekend practically dedicated to the colors red and pink, for you last minute planners, here's some idea for you. And since I will never be able to top the greatest Valentine's Day date ideas that I posted last year....so this year, lets do it by neighborhood, not love languages. (Though I still believe they are the key to knowing anyone in your life and how to love them properly.)

First up...as always, Downtown. I'm in love with downtown, you obviously already know this. But I want you to be able to fall in love more with your Valentine this weekend so I suggest coming down for one of the many shows going on. My top picks for Valentine's Day are You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up! and Moulin Rouge - The Ballet. You Say Tomato is going on at the CLO Cabaret and is about a couple, with 10 years of marriage under their belts, who have just come to that point in their love life. People Magazine called this show "laugh out loud funny" so I'm sure it'll be a treat for you and your love. Or also downtown, Moulin Rouge - The Ballet is going on at the Benedum Center, which is a beautiful, artistic twist to a classic love story. Make sure that if you attend either of these shows, you also get in a lovely meal. One of my personal favorites is Six Penn, it happens to be right between these two venues as well. I'd suggest the salmon, because it's to die for and also "lent-friendly" if that's your thing too.

Next...we're heading to the South Side. For those of you who aren't into the whole Valentine's mushy love garbage, Double Wide Grille is calling your name. Head over for "My Bloody Valentine" for zombie-themed drinks and dinner. Though costumes are encouraged (and there will be awards!) make sure you're not one of those gross dripping zombies because you won't be allowed to partake in the event...this is a restaurant after all, somethings have to remain standard and clean.

Now to the Waterfront....because honestly, you can make a whole day out of this place. I'd suggest you go on Saturday so you and your better half, or you and your friends, can be sure to soak in each others awesomeness for as long as possible. There's shopping and dining and if you've never been to the AMC Loews Theater, you should splurge and see this gorgeous place. And with Safe Haven out in theaters, or I guess Mama, whichever is your taste. But make a whole day out of the Waterfront, seriously there is plenty to do.

Or, I bet you don't see this one coming...Homewood. That's right. At the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse, they hold a monthly Meet 'n Make creative gathering. This month's just happens to fall on Valentine's Day so meet and make love, everyone! Oh, too much for a first meeting? I understand. But take your love or some friends and get creative, meet some new friends and make something beautiful. I guess you could "make love" if you wanted to but, I'm sure it's not advised to do so while you're there. This event is a 21+ and BYOB with potluck style for refreshments...so I'm sure you'll make new friends and swap some recipes like people used to do, before the days of Pinterest.

Now finally, I guess this would be considered North Side but, grab a leash and take the one who loves you the most to Animal Friends. This meet and greet for pups and people is the cutest thing I've ever heard of. For you singles in the city who must be with someone who loves your dog just as much, this is the perfect event. You'll meet between 10-15 people and their pups, speed date style. Everyone who is registered for this event will also be eligible to win prizes, but of course to attend, you Must Love Dogs!

Hope one or more of these events work into your lovey-dovey weekend or your girls night out or whatever you have planned. Fall in love with Pittsburgh and realize what this day of love is all about!

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