
Chels Wears: Railroad Maxi

Maxi: DIY | Belt & Scarf: Unkown (super old) | Chambray Vest & Bracelet: WalMart

You guys. You should know by now how much I love maxis, especially this one...because I made it. This summer has been a bit on the chilly side up here in Erie but that is fine with me, since fall is my favorite season. This outfit actually felt like too much in the morning when I got dressed because it was hotter than usual, but when we set out to get these photos taken there was a random and serious downpour. After that we went home and tried to do indoor photos but nothing worked out, so later that night, just before the sun started to go down, Eric and I set out to this location again and by then the weather had cooled down and the outfit was perfect. And I have to admit that I actually really love how these photos turned out. Good things come to those who wait, I guess!


  1. what a fun setting for photos
    you can never go wrong with a maxi
    ps...following you on Instagram now

  2. I can't believe you made that maxi! That is awesome! You look great!


  3. I always love a good maxi! And I'm loving this scarf too!

  4. ooo--you look awesome! love that maxi! also, very cool place for your backdrop!

  5. Thank you, Kayla! This has easily turned into my favorite bracelet!

  6. Thanks so much, Mark! Glad the rain let up for these photos.


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