
Announcement & Giveaway Winner!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delayed notice but MARTINA WILKINSON is the winner for the Accessory Fanatic giveaway! Congratulations! Please email me at chelsandthecity(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize within the next 48 hours. In other news, as some of you have already caught on to, I finally got instagram! So please take a minute to head over to my profile there and follow me. It has easily become my favorite app since I got an iPhone. I'm obsessed! Hope you enjoy seeing a more, visual look at my life on the daily and have a great day!

Instagram: @chelsandthecity


I love you for leaving a comment and do my best to reply to each one! I no longer accept anonymous commenting because of the amount of spam I was getting - I hope this isn't a problem for you. Thanks for checking out my blog :)