
Chels Wears: Big Red

Top: Dollar General | Pants & Bracelet: WalMart | Shoes: UrbanOG | Bag: New York & Co. | Necklace: Handmade

While going through the photos for this post, all that kept running through my mind was the cheer at the beginning of the original Bring It On movie. You know, "I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot...blah blah blah...call me Big Red...blah blah blah...I'm. Still. Big. Red. I sizzle, I scourch, but now I pass the torch..."

You know it and are probably singing along so I won't go on. Any way, I dyed my hair red recently and these are the first outfit photos to show them off, plus the shoes, purse and location, everything kinda screams big red here. I really hope you guys are getting this movie reference, but just incase you aren't here's a clip from Bring It On, because really up to this point if you don't have a clue what I mean, I'm sure you're lost and thinking I'm crazy.

Moving on...for me, this outfit is pretty plain, but sometimes I like to let my accessories do the talking. I just got these shoes after allowing myself to splurge a little since I haven't really shopped since moving to Erie. What!? A couple online purchases here and there, yes, but nothing drastic. I have yet to step foot in the mall, or even a Goodwill up here...who am I? These shoes are my newest loves. They're from UrbanOG, which if you haven't checked out their selection yet, you're missing out. Also, since this is the debut for this bag too, you should know that it was a Christmas gift from MJ. So is the necklace actually, but I've shown it here before. MJ is fabulous and I love that he knows my style so well. He actually took these photos too, also a first. He's really good at the positioning me part when needed, but really needs to work on the standing still until the camera has finished taking the picture thing haha. There were a lot of blurry pictures to sort through on this one, but it was a fun time overall and he'll get better with practice!


  1. Yup, totally singing that! Bring it On! One of my favorites. I love everything about that look you are wearing, especially those heels!



    Come link up with me at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday!


  2. This is such a cute outfit! I love all black loks with a little pop of color! Black a red are great together! And you are killing it in those amazing heels!

  3. Your red bag stands out against the black. Your shoes are simply stunning! I love the red door too!

  4. Va-va-voom!! You look ah-mazing!! Love the hair so much! This color is perfect!

  5. What a cool place to take photos! I love the top and the shoes!


  6. Love the sleek look of this outfit and a pop of red is the perfect addition

  7. wow! ok that outfit is dang sexy! very nice!

  8. Thanks! Such a simple look but I love it!

  9. As soon as I saw the title, I thought of Bring It On! You look AMAZING Chels! Work it girl!

  10. Yes! Glad we're on the same page, Lauren & thank you!!

  11. Ow ow! Someone's smokin hot! :) I love the shoes girl!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly


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