
Marion Claire Stationery

Well, the big news is that I have started my own stationery company! And while I was hoping to launch a Kickstarter today, I didn't realize that it takes about a week to verify your bank information, so NEXT WEEK, that will happen too! This is seriously a life-long dream of mine and while I didn't think it would be happening this soon in life, I'm glad that it is and am excited to really establish this line and grow as a business.

So while there are still some edits that need to be done throughout social media world, which I'll be working on today, my website is up and rocking and if you'd like to learn more about why I have created this company, the reason behind the name and to see a sneak peek of some of my designs, please feel free to visit my website. And let me know what you think, seriously, tell me your opinon. I'm so excited, nervous, and ready for this journey to start and hope that you'll come along with me!

Marion Claire Stationery | About | Facebook | Twitter | Kickstarter & Etsy (coming soon!)


  1. That's so exciting! What you have on there right now is so cute! Can't wait for everything to be up and running :)


  2. Wishing you all the best - how exciting!

  3. Congrats! I'm excited to see where this takes you!



  4. Congratulations!! Wishing you all the best. :-) Will be checking out the website, for sure. Congratulations, again!

  5. Eeeeep!! How exciting!! I'm jumping over there to see it IMMEDIATELY!

  6. Oh my! I just happen to have an old habit of collecting pretty stationary! Let's see what you got! -Jess L

  7. Okay, ho Etsy link yet! ;) I'll check back! I guess if I would have noticed that last line I would have known that. =(

  8. Awesome!! This is so exciting!! I'm 100% behind you and your new venture! Good luck!

  9. Good Luck in this adventure. I hope you do great and who knows I might order some from you.

  10. So excited for you
    I am a stationary junkie, so I can't wait to see what you will have

  11. Haha! No worries, Jess! I just didn't want to set one up until the Kickstarter goes through so no one orders anything while I cannot fulfill their order! I'll keep you in the loop for when it all goes live! :)

  12. Congratulations and im so excited for you! i checked your site and i love the samples. Will definitely be checking back again!

    Delightful Ideas

    MOZO Shoes Giveaway

  13. Congratulations Chelsea! What an exciting post! I wish you the best of luck with your business :)

  14. Wonderful News Chelsea! Congratulations and Best Wishes in your endeavors and much success!

  15. Congratulations!!!! This is so crazy exciting!!! I am so proud of you and can't wait to see what you have come up with! :)

  16. How did I miss this post???? Congrats!!!!


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