
Chels Wears: Retired Rainboots

So yesterday's weather was odd. It poured for most of the morning, which inspired wearing these boots, but then about an hour before heading out, it was clear blue skies and as we took these, total wind storm. In case you couldn't tell by me practically blowing away in these photos. But now that I've had the chance to wear these guys, I have decided it's time to retire them. These rain boots were a Christmas gift from about five years ago, so they've had a great run but if you didn't notice there is a big cut in the front of the right one, which isn't an appealing quality in a rain boot.

In other news, I can honestly not concentrate on anything except my announcement tomorrow. Which is my excuse for posting a pretty bland outfit today too. There's still a lot of little things I need to get done today before I feel ready to launch, and those will be consuming my thoughts all day. Hopefully my morning shift at Family Video will go quickly so I can get home and get busy! Perfectionism is a problem in these parts, these days.


  1. Those rainboots are awesome!! And I love the color of your scarf. It really pulls it all together!

    Kimberly | Kimberly's Chronicle

  2. I need to retire my rainboots, too! I love the colors of yours, though! And now I can't wait for this announcement!

  3. Thanks! They've had a long life, so even though I love them, I'm okay with letting them go!

  4. Well they look fun anyway and with today's torrential rain I would still choose those bright colored boots! Slush, Slush.

  5. I was SO glad I had rain boots today when I had to bucket water out of the basement! Blah. Anyways I can't wait to hear your big announcement tomorrow! Good teaser!

  6. Haha! That's how I felt stomping through puddles lol

  7. These boots are so cute! It's great that you've had them for 5 years, but you definitely don't want a hole in your rain boots!

  8. they look great even if they have been retired!

  9. Thanks! They have a hole in the front of the right one so it's time for some new ones lol

  10. Thanks, Carolann!! I'm sad to have to get rid of them :(


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