
Fashion Forward Fridays: Rain Boot Styles

Let's start this off right...thank you. You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for the positive response to my post and announcement yesterday! I'm so glad that so many of you are as excited as I am and are ready to go on this journey with me - I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the happenings of Marion Claire Stationery.

Now onto Fashion Forward Fridays! If you remember my post on Wednesday, then you know I need some new rainboots. And since I still have a black and white pair, I want a solid color. I loved the rainboots I wore Wednesday, but I always felt like I had to wear one of the colors in them and that usually felt limiting. So I want a color that I can wear with a lot of outfits and I have narrowed it down to either, pink, green, or yellow. And of course, I made style boards of Polyvore to go with each color.

Which outfit do you like best? And which color should I buy!? Happy Friday!


  1. You really can't go wrong with any of those colors. I LOVE colorful rainboots. They make the rainy day so much less blehhhh. Those Marc Jacobs ones are kind of amazing though.

  2. I LOVE my rainboots! I have four pair...all different colors, all different designs! I try to buy a new pair every spring! Gotta have my rain boots! Love to wear with my casual skirts and my straight legged jeans...with my tights! LOVE this post!!!

  3. I'm no help on choosing a color cause I loveeee them all! The first outfit with the navy polkadot dress is just darling!

  4. I confess you'd find similar pieces in my closet- minus the boots. There is just no need for rainboots here in San Diego. In fact I think we're experiencing record highs for this time of year: high 90's to 100's in some spots, when it's usually in the high 60's or low 70's. =) -Jess L

  5. Love the way you styled #2 it's my favorite look overall but I also love the bright red rain boots.

  6. These are adorable outfits!! I would wear all of these! I think rainboots get a bad rep, but they you prove that they can be worn in a cute way!

  7. Right!? I love rain boots. So hard to pick just one pair.

  8. Thanks, Marcy!! I really love them too and want all of these lol

  9. Can't complain about that! For those of us not so lucky, they are a necessity!

  10. Thanks, Sara!! I love rain boots, especially all these great solids!

  11. These are great outfits! I always struggle with my rain boots because they don't look great with everything. Now I wish I had prettier rain boots!

  12. Haha! That's why I'm not allowing myself to settle for the plain black ones at Walmart lol


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