

This is it! You guys, I am so excited to be launching the indiegogo project page for Marion Claire Stationery. This is where I need you! I cannot make this dream happen without your help. indiegogo is a crowd funding site that allows people to create projects and their family and friends go to the project page and send them money in exchange for some fun perks. 

I have racked my brain to create perks that are worth donating for, but when it really comes down to it, I know that the donations will either come or not based on your belief in this company. I want each of you to know, that your emotional support alone fuels me. The women behind the name push me forward and the decade of desire to have this company is leading my way. As I said before, creating a greeting card company has been a dream of mine since I was a pre-teen, I just didn't expect that dream would come true so soon. This wasn't the "plan" for when I wanted this company, but it has again and again become the first thing I think about each morning. That's something I cannot ignore. This is the time. This project has my full attention. If you do chose to donate, I promise that I do not take that lightly and your contribution will not be in vain or go to waste. 

The indiegogo project runs until May 31st and if I am fully funded or over, I will be able to complete the fulfillment for the donation perks and the start up of this company right away. I hope that you will consider helping me in this journey, it honestly cannot happen without you. Check out the perks and read the story, because, like I said, it's really the story that will get you hooked or not.
And I'm hoping that you'll be hooked.

with heart & sass


  1. This is fantastic, Chelsea! I'm going to check it out! Hope you meet your goal!!


  2. This is awesome! I'm going to check out the page right now!

  3. Thanks so much for your support and donation, Sara! <3

  4. I love the story behind your business! Next pay period, Chels. -Jess L


I love you for leaving a comment and do my best to reply to each one! I no longer accept anonymous commenting because of the amount of spam I was getting - I hope this isn't a problem for you. Thanks for checking out my blog :)