
Chels Wears: Casual Cobalt

Necklace & Bracelets: Charlotte Russe | Scarf: American Eagle
Vest, Shirt & Jeans: WalMart | Boots: URBANOG | Bag: Strawberry

So. Let's talk about this outfit. It's matchy-matchy, which I don't like. And it's one of those outfits that the majority of people would label as cute, but in fashion blogger world, we label as "everyday" or typical. So I'm a bit indifferent about it. I like it, but am more posting it out of the feeling of needing a Chels Wears post, not that I'm really in love with it or anything. I wore this last night on my "date" with MJ...and my brother. We went to Cheddar's in Erie. Which is poorly named for how nice it actually looks inside. I was highly misled.

MJ was in town for an admissions fair and I certainly didn't want to pass up the opportunity to see him, but since I've also be fighting the good fight against this little cold, I didn't really feel like getting dressed up. This is what happens when you know you're going to see your boyfriend of four years and you both are just going to stuff your faces and then go home. I have to admit that I'm seeing a lot less of MJ then what I expected when I first moved and that was apparent after being so excited to see him all week and then realizing we only got to spend like an hour together. We are officially back to long distance when an hour of his time is the best part of my week. Next month we'll get some more quality time in, my friends (Hannah and Wade) are getting married and we're making a whole weekend out of it. So while that's a month away, my bridesmaid dress is cute, so that'll make up for him seeing me in such a casual outfit last night haha


  1. I love what you said about bloggers - it's true, we do tend to hold our outfits at a higher standard than your average person! I think you look great, I've always wanted a pair of cobalt jeans!

  2. love the scarf and necklace combo
    i have done that occasionally, but usually forget
    must remember!

  3. Sorry to heard that you don't get to see him as often, but it's great that you're making the most of it! This outfit IS super cute and looks comfy too, so I think it's a win-win!

  4. Haha! Yes, I usually remember it at the last minute and am always proud of myself when I do lol

  5. Thanks, Toni! And I think we're used to it by now (unfortunately). But that just makes knowing we'll be closer together some day soon even sweeter :)

  6. You need them! They are the best addition to my closet so far this year lol peer pressure!!

  7. I actually like the matching you've got going on here! When you're only wearing two colors, it's ok for your scarf to match them :)

    I'm so sorry you don't get to see your boyfriend that often :/ That's got to be tough on both of you. When will you guys get to be together full-time?


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