
Fashion Week: Meet Toni of The Love Hanger!

Moving right along...I hope you all are excited about Fashion Week and are so far enjoying the opportunity to meet some new bloggers! (And win a gift card to update your wardrobe doesn't hurt either!)

Today's featured fashion blogger is Toni of The Love Hanger! Since I started Chels & the City, I don't remember a time when I was not following along with Toni's blog. She's one of the main reasons I decided to start doing more fashion posts too because she makes high fashion looks seem so effortless and affordable. Toni is a super thrifter and is able to look expensive while staying on a budget. She recently moved to Portland and it has been fun to see her keep up with the changing seasons while remaining fashionable. Not to mention, she's a mommy to a cute little guy and loves to show him off sometimes too, but who could blame her! I honestly cannot talk enough about how great I think she is so I hope you enjoy her interview as much as I enjoy having her here today!

All photos provided by Toni.

How would you define your style?
I would describe my style as feminine and trendy mixed with a little bit of vintage.  I love a flirty and girly silhouette and I love textured fabrics like lace and tweed.  I also like to incorporate a lot of bright colors and fun prints in my looks.

Where are your favorite places to shop?
I'm a bargain shopper at heart, so I love stores like Target, H&M, and Forever 21 for trendy items.  I find my unique pieces at thrift stores and recycled clothing stores like Crossroads Trading Co.

What are some of your favorite pieces or go-to pieces in your closet?
When I can't decide what I want to wear, I always pull something girly from my closet.  I feel most confident in feminine pieces, so an easy outfit for me is a skirt and silky blouse or a vintage dress with a tall pair of heels.

Where does the inspiration for your outfits come from?
My biggest source of inspiration is other bloggers.  I especially love reading blogs of other women whose style is totally different than mine.  I know what works for my body type, but admiring other styles that I don't normally wear give me ideas for how to incorporate bits and pieces of it into my wardrobe.

If someone asked you for style advice, what would you tell them?
My biggest piece of advice would be to embrace your body type.  Don't let other people tell you what you can and can't wear.  There are so many "rules" for petite women, tall women, thin women, and curvy women.  Knowing what looks best for your figure and feeling confident in it is what creates personal style.

When and why did you start fashion blogging?
I started The Love Hanger in October of 2011.  I had a personal style blog in 2009 before blogging had really taken off, and then I took a break when I had my son.  Once I felt confident in my skin again, I began the blog I have now.  I've never had a lot of girlfriends to talk fashion with or go shopping with.  Blogging allows me to become friends with other women who love clothing and accessories as much as I do.

How has your style grown or changed since you began fashion blogging?
As I've gotten older, I've really figured out what I love to wear and what looks best on my body.  In high school, I used to raid my dad's closet for his cool geometric looking polo shirts, and 70s style leather belts.  I've taken my love for vintage and retro clothing and have mixed it with more modern, feminine pieces and have created my own style that I feel confident in.

What advice do you have for bloggers just starting out?
Having an organized and visually appealing blog layout is key!  Make your blog user friendly and accessible and I guarantee readers will come back.  Photography is also huge.  Brush up on photography basics like lighting and depth of field, and if possible, invest in an SLR camera.  It makes a huge difference!

Anything else you'd like to add...
With so many people starting fashion blogs out there, it can be hard to get noticed.  Just remember to stay true to yourself and don't worry about keeping up with the other blogs.  Be unique, produce great content, and network in a friendly way.  Soon, you'll be an inspiration for many!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love her combination of the soft floral top and the black leather! So pretty!

  2. Chelsea, thank you SOOO much for featuring me! I think this is wonderful! I'm always so flattered when other bloggers ask me to participate on their blogs. It means a lot to me. I hope you have a fabulous day!! <3


  3. Nice Interview Chelsea. Toni looked really nice and I really enjoyed her fashion advice, important to embrace your own body type and know what makes one feel their best. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love her style! I'm going to check out her blog asap!

  5. Of course!! Thank you for participating! It wouldn't have been the same without you! xoxo

  6. Yes! Her advice is great! Thanks for stopping by, Peggy!

  7. Yay! Glad you all are supporting each other too!


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