
Fashion Week: Meet Danielle of Goodwillista!

We're halfway through Fashion Week! I hope you are all enjoying it so fair and are being inspired to refresh your wardrobe through these lovely ladies and our giveaway! Today's featured fashion blogger is Danielle of Goodwillista!

I'm so excited to have Danielle on my blog today because she is just a little ray of sunshine! Every time I visit her blog, I am so inspired but her outfits and her positive outlook on life. I feel like I've been following along with her blog from the day she started it and it has been a joy to see her blog grow because if anyone deserves some recognition, it's this girl! Danielle is a southern girl and that charm just shines through her writing and (more obviously) her great smile. And she is also one of the thriftiest ladies I know, hence her blog name. I'm always so impressed by how little she spends on an outfit but how fabulous she always looks. She was even super thrifty with her wedding and all the details of it blow my mind. Luckily for us, she always shares some great thrifting tips too! Enjoy!

All photos provided by Danielle.

How would you define your style?
I always struggle with this question! I would say that I'm a touch of girly mixed with simplicity.

Where are your favorite places to shop?
Goodwill, Plato's Closet, Old Navy, and Kohl's

What are some of your favorite pieces or go-to pieces in your closet?
My lace blouse, coral blazer, lace dress, cognac boots, and my newest love, my fur vest. 

Where does the inspiration for your outfits come from?
Most of the time I just wear what I like and feel good in, but I definitely get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest and other bloggers. When I'm feeling stumped on a new way to wear something, I'll go to Pinterest and search the item I want to wear or I'll go stalk a blogger who I know has a similar item!

If someone asked you for style advice, what would you tell them?
Dress in way that makes you feel confident in your own skin! You can try wearing all the trends in the world, but if you don't feel comfortable in them, they're pointless! My best days are days when I'm wearing an outfit that I am completely in love with. If you don't feel like you in something, I say get rid of it.

When and why did you start fashion blogging?
I started blogging the summer of 2012 after realizing a trend going on… Someone would tell me that they loved my shirt/pants/scarf/etc., and naturally I’m one of those people who has to tell you where I got it, so I’d tell them, “Goodwill!” and they were always in shock! So, I decided to start a blog to inspire others that you can still look great without spending a fortune!

How has your style grown or changed since you began fashion blogging?
I'm definitely more aware of trends now. I also learned the power of remixing my closet. I now try to find many different ways to wear different pieces in my closet! (I have a link up each month called Many Days, Many Ways ... come check it out!)

What advice do you have for bloggers just starting out?
Just be yourself! Don't worry about what other's may think about your writing, iphone pictures, or wrinkly shirt. I've figured out that most people don't even notice, and readers will stick around simply for YOU.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love her outfits!



  2. Another interesting interview in Fashion Week, cute and creative outfits too. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I've always been a fan of Danielle since the beginning - her outfits have always been fab, and totally wearable!

  4. I found out about your blog through the goodwillista!!! i would use the target gift card on clothes for my upcoming anniversary trip to Boston with my husband!!

  5. She's darling...off to check out her blog now!

  6. She is one of the few bloggers I know who have been fabulous from the start!

  7. I'd definitely use the giftcard to get a new summer dress or two. Danielle is one of my favorites! So glad I found your blog :)

  8. Yay! Glad you stopped by! Good luck in the giveaway!

  9. great post! she has such cute style!


  10. Oh man, that last outfit is my favorite! SO cute!! Love her!

  11. I would use the Target giftcard for some new summer clothes...or maybe shoes :)

  12. Such great outfits, I especially love the first one!

  13. first off- I love Danielle! she certainly has a knack for style and thrifty finds.

    Target is my weakness so it would be waaaaay too easy to spend this! last time I was there I was drooling over the Spring purses, so maybe one of those! thanks for the giveaway!!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  14. Thank you for asking me to participate in this. An even bigger thank you for your kind words about me! My heart is exploding today from all the sweet comments! :)

  15. Nice outfits! Love the first and last!

  16. I'm glad I found your blog through Danielle's! :) I think I'd have to get some cute shoes from Target because I sort of killed all of my sandals last summer. Oops.

  17. Love her!! :) Hmm what wouldn't I buy with a Target gift card?? I think I would get a few spring shades of Essie polish and hunt around for some fabulous new clothing! Maybe some of the mint hued jewelry I've been seeing... :) -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  18. Always shoes go for the shoes haha good luck!

  19. Thanks for visiting, Priya! Good luck! A spring purse would be nice!

  20. Hooray! Glad you like your post and were willing to participate! You're awesome so you deserve all of these little sweet nothings lol

  21. Agreed! Cannot beat that southern charm lol

  22. I love those ones too! Thanks for visiting, Andrea!

  23. Oh, yes! I've been seeing a lot of great mint jewelry recently that I love. Good luck, Alexandra!

  24. Danielle is just the sweetest. I've been following her blog for almost a year now I want to say and she's one of the few bloggers I visit on a regular basis. I used to have a ton of time for reading and commenting on blogs during slow times at work but I haven't had that for awhile--only leaving me time to visit a few favorites. Danielle is one of those bloggers I'm sure I'd be friends with if we lived closer. I love her simple but classic style and that she shares my love of thrifting! It's fun to see what new pieces she finds and the ways she puts them together. I even bought a few tops from her! So glad to see her on your blog for Fashion Week. Great choice Chelsea!

  25. I'm glad you are a follower of hers too because she's amazing.

  26. She is SO ON POINT. I found myself nodding my head with every outfit. Going and following her right now!

  27. Yes. She is a really great girl and has fabulous style.


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