
Fashion Forward Fridays: Inspired by Mad Men

Happy Friday! For today's Fashion Forward Fridays I decided to create looks based on one of my favorite TV shows, Mad Men. I did get my Master's in advertising and PR after all, I think it would be a sin not to love Mad Men, it was practically written into my coursework haha So here are three modern day looks inspired by the leading ladies of this great show, all of which I made on Polyvore.

First up, is Peggy Olson, who is played by Elisabeth Moss. Peggy starts out as Don Draper's (Jon Hamm) secretary and moves up to a copywriter. She seems very serious and Don is the creative director and a junior partner (eventually becoming partner) at Sterling Cooper, an ad agency. Peggy is a hard worker and probably the most straight-laced out of all the ladies. Think, lots of peter pan collars and patterns if you're going for a look like hers. I'd also imagine the modern-day Peggy would have copies of her resume on her at all times, so a bag that would be able to hold a folder nicely is a must.
Next is Betty Francis (formerly Draper) who is portrayed by January Jones. Betty is Don's ex-wife and the mother to his three children and looks the classiest of all the ladies. And while I don't know any stay-at-home moms who don't actually like their children and who would sit around the house in pearls, drinking wine and reading magazines all day, that's what I imagine the modern-day Betty would do. Looking classy is important to this woman, though she doesn't always act classy.

Finally, Joan Holloway (later Harris) played by Christina Hendricks. I love Christina and she is flawless in this character, who is the office manager and the head of the secretarial pool at Sterling Cooper. Joan is often pushing the boundaries of work appropriate attire and always looks powerful. I think her character is the most fashion forward of all the ladies on the show and she has mega sex appeal in anything she wears. But a bright lipstick is a must...as well as a fabulous up-do. Joan knows what she wants and just how to get it so if you're going to do a modern day version of her look, don't forget to take your ego and some extra confidence with you that day!

Which Mad Men lady are you most like? Which outfit most inspires you?


  1. LOVE the first two looks!!! Chelsea, you totally inspire me with your looks you put together! I am going to pull one of theses looks together!! When I get the time to shop! Happy Friday girlie!!!

  2. I'd have to go with Betty - love her style!

  3. I don't watch mad men, but I love these outfits! They're a great modern take on their retro looks. Gotta say Betty's look is my fav :)


  4. I love this! Betty's outfit is so pretty!! I've actually never watched Mad Men, but I'm all about the fashion!

  5. Awe, thanks, Marcy!! Glad you like them and are going to try one out! Have a great weekend!

  6. I love her style too, and who wouldn't love to sit around reading magazines all day haha

  7. Thanks, Sara! Even if you don't watch it, at least you know their stylist is great haha!

  8. I have yet to see this show, but I certainly love the style! I think I love the second outfit the best, especially the lively floral top. -Jess L

  9. I usually don't like floral, but something about that top just makes me feel the need to have it haha - glad you like it too!

  10. As a fellow redhead, I would love to think that I look like Joan! (But I'm probably more of a Peggy) I can NOT wait for the show to start up again in two weeks!

  11. Me too! And nothing wrong with being like Peggy!

  12. Ahhhh, love it!! These are so on point with the show!! I will have to say that my fave is Betty Francis!! :)

  13. Betty seems to be the majority fan favorite around here! Glad you like it!

  14. I need that floral top! Too cute!

  15. Me too! The more I look at it, the more I want it!


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