
Birthday Weekend Recap

As you guys know, Wednesday was my birthday! Thanks so much for all your birthday wishes through email, comments, Facebook, text, calls, snail mail, etc. I am blessed to have such great people in my life! Here's a little recap of my weekend!

Last minute get-together to Dave & Buster's in the Waterfront with some of my favorites!
Front Row Left to Right: Jodi, Me & Heather | Back Row Left to Right: Liz, MJ & Erin
Me & Heather in the game room of Dave & Buster's
Family & I went to see Despicable Me 2, which you should go see, like today.
My brother was appointed to Pastor four small churches in Corry, Pa - Sunday was his first official day!
The four churches planned a service all together at the park to welcome him.
He gave a great message and we enjoyed meeting some church people at a picnic after the service.
What did you all do for the weekend? Hope it was something fun!

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