
This post brought to you by the color green!

Hope you all are having a festive weekend and aren't drinking too much green beer! Here's a little look at the fun going on around Market Square in downtown Pittsburgh on Saturday. I went out early to see the parade and have lunch with some friends at McFadden's on the North Shore. I loved seeing Market Square so alive with family friendly activities during the day and then the more party-types at night. This area of Pittsburgh has really changed and become more exciting over the last couple years. Although, I'm going to go out on a limb and guessing that St. Patrick's Day was intended for the more "family friendly" stuff, not really all the booze - but I could be wrong!

Girls group doing the Irish Jig in Market Square.

Little Irish Jiggers
Me and Erin at the Parade!
Float for the parade

The Irish Princess - I actually have no idea who this girl is, I just liked her castle float.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Looks like fun! Although it also looked pretty cold! How were those girls in shorts! Brrrr!!!

    Pearls & Paws

    1. It was! I don't know how they did it but I'll assume they stayed pretty warm dancing!

  2. I missed the St. Patty's Day parade here in San Diego! And I really didn't celebrate. Too bad. One day I will return to Pittsburgh and explore to my heart's content! -Jessica L

  3. looks like a lot of fun
    we did the whole uptown, parade thing last year and had a blast

    1. It was - I had to work that night so I couldn't stay out too long, but fun was had.


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