
Hazard Yet Forward

If you're local to the Pittsburgh area, I'm sure you've heard about the tragic bus accident that happened to the Seton Hill women's lacrosse team, that claimed the lives of Kristina Quigley, head coach, and Anthony Guaetta, bus driver, on Saturday on the way to the team's match. If you're not local, you've probably still heard something about the outpouring of love from other teams and universities around the country. As an alumna of Seton Hill (class of 2011) I cannot describe all of the emotions coursing through me, but for my fellow Griffins, I'll try...

Photo I edited - feel free to share it & link back.
I am proud to be a member of the Seton Hill community. I always have been.
I'm proud to know that everyone on campus is showing their support by attending last night's service.
To know that a memorial is growing near the field house because our campus has a huge heart.
I'm proud to see the love coming in from outside groups like Play 4 Seton Hill.
That group, made for SHU lacrosse, not by SHU lacrosse, is growing by the second and has been a huge
source of comfort to see other teams wearing the Seton Hill crimson and gold in support of our team.
I'm proud to know that Coach Quigley's family will be supported through an ever-growing fund.
To see how calmly and professionally the staff of The Setonian is handling this news. 
I'm proud to have learned how to grow, love, give, and transform because of Seton Hill.
And although I wish you little Griffins didn't have to learn it this way, 
I'm proud that tradition of growth and learning continues.

 But dearest Seton Hill, dear little Griffins, please know beyond a doubt that we are behind you.
Fellow Griffins, as alumni, staff and faculty and the other students you see everyday, we love you.
We have seen tragedy before and while we do not know your exact feelings,
We know what it's like to want to news cameras and reporters to just leave you alone.
We know what it's like to feel overwhelmed with emotion and wondering how to move on from here.
I remember sitting in the chapel you were in last night as a sophomore for a similar memorial service and hearing someone read a letter from an alum, on behalf of all alumni, saying they grieved with us and were praying for God to ease our pain, but that as Griffins we were all in this together.
Back then, I didn't understand how people who were no longer on our campus could understand.
But now, as an alum, I get it.
Once a Griffin. Always a Griffin.
We mourn with you. We empathize with you. We support you. We are proud of you. We love you.

It's fine if you're not ready now.
Take your time to grieve and remember the amazing woman who touched your lives.
Take your time to hold your teammates, your friends, your family, 
anyone who makes your Seton Hill experience complete.
Remember we are more than a school, we are a family.
And when you're ready, in true Griffin fashion, 
Hazard Yet Forward.


  1. I can't agree more! We are a small campus, not thousands upon thousands of students...and that's why we are more like family then classmates...more like brothers and sisters then friends. Hazard Yet Forward SHU. (Class of 2010)

  2. Aww...Chelsea, I'm so sorry that happened. That is very tragic and I can't believe the coach was pregnant. That makes it even more sad. My school was the size of a small city, so I don't keep up to date with goings on of my school. But I can only imagine what it's like at a smaller school. My thoughts are with you! <3


    1. Thank you, Toni! It's hard not to get attached to a small school, especially one as amazing as Seton Hill.

  3. Aww, this is such a touching post to such a tragic accident.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful post. *hugs* to everyone affected.


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