
Chelsea Lately: So This Is The New Year

I really dropped the ball on blogging in December and I'm trying not to let that roll into the new year, so let's get all caught up! I have a lot of big plans for my business and this blog this year and there is no time like the present, right?

Listening: 1000 forms of fear by Sia on vinyl! Because my brother is awesome and got it for me for Christmas!

Eating: Leftovers. Yuck, I'm over having leftovers from the holidays in our fridge. Someone please come over and eat the rest of this ham.

Wanting to buy: At the moment, I'm all shopped out. Holidays do that to you!

Reading: Nothing at the moment, which is weird, but I've just been in a funk recently with getting into books. Recommend me a good one so I can get back in the grove!

Watching: The Walking Dead. I am obsessed. I said that I would never watch this show because I'm not a fan of zombies but so many friends have talked me into watching it. Around Thanksgiving I started (thanks to Family Video having seasons 1-4 on DVD) and just finished up watching the first half of season five online so I am all caught up and pumped for it to be back on TV in February. I have a total crush on Daryl Dixon (mostly because I love Norman Reedus already) he's such a badass and if he even gets killed off, I quit.

Drinking: No pop! (Or soda for those of you who are reading from somewhere other than Pittsburgh.) Eric and I gave up drinking pop and we've been doing pretty good at it since the beginning of November.

Wearing: Christmas presents! I love getting gift cards for presents. I know a lot of people hate it because they think it's a cop-out gift, but there is no greater gift to me than a shopping trip.

Losing Sleep Over: What my next step needs to be. I've been in Erie for a year now and I feel like it's time to either strive for something really great here or move again (which I actually don't feel like doing just yet). But I've been trying to leave it up to God, not stress about it and just roll with the opportunities in front of me. We'll see what happens!

Loving: Life. Even when it's not ideal.

Excited About: The possibilities that 2015 brings.

Thankful For: Memories of a sweet friend. Wishing she knew how precious she was.

What have you been up to recently?


  1. Stick that ham in the freezer, girl! It'll keep just fine and you can have it when *you* want it. xoxo

  2. I also really love when people get me gift cards. The only gift card I got this year was for Pat Catan's, but that works for me! lol. I've actually been pop free for about 3 years! It was really hard at first but now I don't even like the taste of it which is strange. lol Good luck, hope it goes well for ya!

  3. I adore Sia! That CD is amazing. I never drink soda and haven't for about 30 years! Just don't like the stuff! Happy New Year!

  4. Haha - I tried that last year and forgot about it! I'm working from home all this week, so ham sandwiches it is until it's gone!

  5. I'm hoping I can give it up forever too! Still get a craving for it every once in a while though.

  6. Sia is so great! Thanks for stopping by, Carolann!

  7. I just finished The Memory Keepers Daughter. So so good! It has gotten me out of my reading funk. I highly recommend that one.

  8. Yes! I've read that before...so good! Have you seen the movie?

  9. Aren't leftovers the worst??
    Well, they aren't that bad the first two days... but by day 5 I am leftover-ed out!


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