
West PA Pride Photo Contest

Hey everyone! Today I'm inviting you local readers to enter in a photo contest, brought to you by UnitedHealthcare, West PA Pride. All you have to do is upload a picture of you being active somewhere in Western Pennsylvania and you're entered to win!

There are daily prizes of $25 cash and a grand prize of $400 at the end of the contest. It's super easy and with so many chances to win, why not!? I really like this campaign because I'm a snoop and went through all the submitted pictures to see what people are doing. But it's also great to see where people are having fun and being active in the area, and there are so many great places in the Western PA area to choose from. So great out there, take a picture and upload it at http://westpapride.com before December 24th!

But, best wishes on trying to beat this classic of me and my friends, Hannah and Marci, biking at Ohiopyle!

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