
Fashion Forward Fridays: emPOWERring Jewelry

Hey everyone! Today I'm happy to introduce you to emPOWERring, a jewelry company on a mission. The reason behind the name is to make women feel important, beautiful, and powerful with wherever they are in life. Whether single or taken, a CEO or just starting out, emPOWERring has got you, and your style covered.

I love that their products are designed and created with specific life stepping stones in mind and they have a variety of products, since no two women are the same. Their story of creating this business is so powerful and their products are gorgeous! I've selected my three favorite piece of theirs to share with you today and created a look inspired by each one in polyvore. Which is your favorite?

The Musical: Ring can be customized for your favorite song!
Mars & Venus: Focused on finding balance in relationships.
Put A Bow On It Upgrade: Your wish for something special.

Which piece from the emPOWERring collection is right for you at this point in your life?
Receive 10% off by using the code Power10 at checkout!
This is a partnered post but all opinions are my own.


  1. I love that bow ring and the chic outfit that goes with it!!

  2. That musical ring is so cool! I'd love to have my wedding song lyrics printed!

  3. Thanks Chels. Because we love you and your readers we are now offering 20% off all rings in our store to you all! Use that same promo code Power10 :) www.myemPOWERring.com

  4. Awesome! Thanks, Koreen! I'll be sure to spread the word!

  5. I thought that would be a great idea for that ring too!


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