
Chelsea Lately: A Much Needed Update

Hi everyone! Wow. It has been quite the long break from blogging. So sorry to leave you guys hanging, but sometimes you just have to put your "real life" first, and since my last post, that was much needed. Since my last post, I was a bridesmaid in my two best friends' wedding, ran a sports camp at Jumonville for a week with my brother, I turned 25 (!!!) and went to my first craft show for Marion Claire Stationery and opened shop online! So a lot of great stuff has happened, but a lot of great stuff is making it's way onto the blog too. So here's a little catch-up!

Listening: Sylvan Esso. My brother introduced me to them a while ago and now I cannot get enough.

Eating: Nothing inspiring. I need to get back on my cooking game.

Wanting to buy: A new bike! This cruiser to be exact.

Reading: Catching Fire. I promised myself (and others who peer pressured me) to finish the Hunger Games series this summer and it's been taking me a while to actually dig into this second book but I'm truckin' through.

Watching: Every movie on the Family Video new release list. Last night it was Under the Skin...which still has me thinking about it.

Admiring: Samantha, the owner of Broke Little Rich Girl. I'm so excited to hear about her success with the fashion truck and now she's opening a boutique in Lawrenceville and I'm so so happy for her for making her dreams come true and wish her all the best!

Drinking: Coffee and water. I'm trying to let go of pop and mom got me a Keurig for my birthday so more coffee than normal is in my diet.

Wearing: Shorts!! I am usually not a fan, but somehow my legs got tan this summer and I found some really cute ones at Walmart that aren't totally annoying with my chubby thighs. 

Losing sleep over: Nothing. 

Loving: Seeing my kitten chase a fly around the house right now. I hope she catches it though...and kills it.

Excited about: MJ to move north for good! He recently got a job at Edinboro and will be moving to Erie soon and I really cannot wait to live so close to him again! 

Thankful for: Summer living.

What have you all been up to!?


  1. Sounds like a pretty good break! Glad to see things moving forward with your business!

    All That Glitters

  2. Teehee, I love seeing the word "pop"! Reminds me of home. :) So so happy for you, sweets!

  3. i'm glad you are back-ish! I was worried about you!

  4. So many wonderful things have happened! I'm so happy for you! I'm excited for you to get back to blogging! :)

  5. Thanks, babydoll!! Where is "home" - I thought it was just a Western PA term lol

  6. So I bought the Hunger Games for my enook when I go on deployment, and I can't wait to read it! I've seen both movies already. Have you? My Keurig is a lifesaver every mornning- I will miss it- and I'm not sleeping as much as I should! AND I'm eating everything in my path because I won't be able to when I'm gone!

    Congrats on the opening of your business by the way! -Jess L

  7. Sounds like you have been super busy and in a fun way
    Can't wait to hear all it
    Have a great weekend

  8. I'm glad to hear you've been doing well! I kept checking up on this little blog of yours and was sad to not see any updates. Glad you're back!

  9. very cool update! happy belated birthday!

  10. I saw both movies before I started reading them and am now have about three chapters left of the last book so I'm excited to see the movie! And thanks!


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