
If I Become A Hipster, Blame My Brother: 2014 Edition

This is what you wear when you wake up at 8am to go buy records.
Little bit chilly while waiting outside of Graham's before it opened!
Inside Graham's - great crowd!
As some of you may or may not know, Saturday was Record Store Day. And although my brother, Eric, and I are currently living near Erie and not the vinyl-loving city of Pittsburgh, we knew we had to still celebrate.

Eric looked up where to find some goods and we took an early morning trip into Erie. This year we were serious, too. We printed out the list of all the exclusive releases, highlighted the ones we wanted and hoped for the best. We went to a family owned place, Graham's Records, first (supporting the local economy is what it's all about, right?), and found a couple things we wanted and then headed to The Exchange in Erie on the way home. Although we both brought home a lot less than last year, it was a good experience for our first time doing Record Store Day outside of Pittsburgh. Graham's had a ton of old stuff that I would love to browse through again soon, like on a day where we're not looking for specific things, and The Exchange had some great new things and surprisingly still had a good bit of Record Store Day exclusives by the time we got there around noon. Although, if you know of any other places around Erie, please let us know! We're always up for exploring music stores and local businesses.

I also realized this weekend that Eric and I have four record players, we each have two. He has an awesome turntable that is in perfect condition from a rummage sale and one from our dad. And I have a cute little green portable one that Eric got for me at that rummage sale and the one I "inherited" from our grandma...aka, the one I stole from our aunt's house during Christmas time because she wasn't using it and said I could take it. Hipsters.


  1. I love the title of this post! So great! Love your scarf!! It's so cool that you have two record players!!

  2. I had no idea about "record store day". Either I'm really out of it, really old, and not a hipster. I prefer the latter two. I would definitely wear an outfit like that as well- but not sure if hipsters would. =) -Jess L

  3. HAHA! Agreed. The activity is more hipster than the outfit. The outfit was basically, "Oh, I'm up too early on a Saturday? I'm wearing the first things I see." lol

  4. I'm from Erie originally! Where near Erie are you?


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