
Chels Wears: Grown-Up Easter Bonnet

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend and the weather cooperated with all of your egg hunting plans! Since Eric is now a preacher, our parent's came up to Erie for the weekend to dye eggs on Saturday (after Eric and I went to Record Store Day, of course) and hear him preach and go out to eat on Sunday. It was a great weekend! 

These pictures were taken by my dad at a local park that has just been cleaned up for spring and, fingers crossed, I hope that spring is really here to stay now! And although this outfit is a little dark for Easter attire, I wanted to wear the hat and this little boho look seemed fitting. I actually got every piece of this outfit from the Dollar General. Holler for a bargain! Since I always wore hats growing up, especially on Easter, I felt it only proper to bring that tradition back this year. Mom has always said I have the perfect face/head for hats, cannot blame her for thinking her only daughter is cute ;)

How was your Easter weekend?


  1. Cute look!! We didn't do hats growing up but we always got new dresses for Easter!! I hope spring is here to stay, too!

  2. Super cute! Love the LOVE bracelet! Who knew the dollar store was such a treasure trove? :-) Stopping by from the Northeast Bloggers. :-)


  3. Cute outfit! I saw a lot of hats walking around on Easter! I always love seeing how people dress up for Easter.


  4. Love the bonnet, outfit is cute. Nice photo too!

  5. I have a very similar hat - love it! Hope you all had a nice Easter :)

  6. girl you look fierce! I love that outfit andddddd the hat!

  7. This outfit is perfect, Chelsea!! Definitely going check my DG's for this skirt! I guess I'll need to start looking at the clothes there when I stop by for random stuff :)

  8. great outfit and i love the pattern on the maxi
    hope your Easter was great

  9. Gosh I adore wide brimmed floppy hats! They are so great. This one looks lovely on you! :) Thanks again for stopping by my blog :) -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  10. It was! Hope you had a great one as well, Brett!

  11. Thanks, Danielle! And you really should! I'm always so surprised by what I find there.

  12. It's my favorite holiday so I had to dress the part!

  13. Thanks, Rachel!! I am still crossing my fingers just in case haha


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