
Fashion Forward Fridays: Wearing Pastels

Happy Friday, everyone! I just want to take a minute to thank you all for your response to yesterday's post. All of your comments and emails have just made me so happy. I wasn't looking for compliments with that post, I just wanted to spread the word, but your responses just made my heart smile and I wish I could just give you each a hug. Thank you.

Now onto the fashion! For this installment of Fashion Forward Fridays, I created three boards in Polyvore focused on my favorite trend right now...pastels. I can feel spring is just around the corner, even if there is still snow on the ground here and the start of spring reminds me of pastel colors so I created some looks based on that. Since I'm not a huge fan of floral, I'm very specific about what kinds of it I like, spring is usually a hard time for me to be buying clothes because it seems like everything has a flower on it. "Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking." So I'm hoping that this year more places bring out pastels, also not very groundbreaking but a girl can dream about a solid, right?

Thank you, Miranda Priestly. Gif from Besty Transatlantically.

This first look was created for work wear. I usually shy away from the match-matchy, but I couldn't pass up the purse or the dress, so I just put them in the same set. If you're at work you're not holding your bag all day anyway so it's okay. I like how Mad Men-esque this look is, I'm all about that for the office. Let me rephrase, I'm all about the Mad Men fashion for the office...not the way the women are treated. Had to be clear there!
This next look is for a night out and is almost showing off the Pantone Color of the Year, Radiant Orchid! Almost. I'm not a huge fan of purple, but this shade isn't bad! I love a structured look for a night out, very tough while still being sexy. All the pieces in this look are too expensive, but I wish I had them all in my closet.
The final look is the one I think I will see most often. You all know my love for colored denim so I had to throw these into the mix. I cannot wait to pull out my salmon skinny jeans so these bubblegum ones have me swooning! You will more than likely see a future Chels Wears post with me wearing something very similar to this look, I love it!

Which way would you wear pastels? Or are you a floral lover for Spring?
Remember to Spring ahead with your clocks on Sunday!


  1. Love these looks! I am wearing hot pink skinny jeans from ON right now to try and bring on spring!

  2. I love all of these!! That purple dress is beautiful!

  3. Ohhhhh, pastels! Does this mean Spring is coming????! The work look is my favorite, it makes me wish I could dress up for work again….er, almost;)

  4. Love them all...especially the third look! I was thinking of trying to put something similar together...need to get some pink denim pants!!

  5. i would wear every single one of these outfits. i don't even know if i can pick a favorite!

  6. I love that last really casual, low-key style. I really like pastels. Gap has a good collection this season!! :) Great style post!



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