
Chels Wears: Hopes for Spring!

Jeans: Target | Chambray: WalMart | T-Shirt: JCPenney | Boots: URBANOG | Scarf: Forever 21

I told you guys this outfit was coming. Since it was so warm outside on Tuesday (like 35 degrees) I thought it was okay to break out the peach pants, but since there's still snow on the ground, the boots were necessary. Especially since I got these boots, I have been obsessed with them. If you have seen me off of the Internet, you've probably seen these boots. Hope you like them, because I'm in love. Okay, so here's some truth, I've really got nothing else to say. So...do you like this outfit?


  1. YES! Hope for Spring! Today, 70s. Tomorrow in the 30s with a chance of snow. Awful. Blech! But I love that outfit and those pink pants!!

    Come link up with me at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! www.themummychronicles.com

    1. Thanks, Victoria! I wish the weather would agree with my mood haha

  2. 35 degrees is warm...LOL! I feel for you guys!! Love those lighter pants though....I need a pair!!!

  3. So remember yesterday when it was insanely beautiful out this way? What the hell happened?! Anyway, love your boots! Keep wearing them!

  4. These pants are perfect! You totally have me pining for spring!

  5. I LOVE the color of these jeans!! Such a great color for spring....or what should be spring even though we're still covered in snow. Tomato Tomahto I can see you're suffering from that same affliction. This winter is out for blood! ;)

    High Heels and Training Wheels

    1. Haha! I hate snow, so I am very much over it! But thank you!!


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