
Chels Wears: Pinterest Inspired Vintage

Today I am linking up with H&K Style Journey for the weekly link-up, Pinned It Did It. With the other two Pinterest inspired posts I did, I didn't do a fashion pin so I figured it was time to do so. After not feeling like getting dressed at all since I was working from home and didn't have anywhere to go, I decided to turn to my style board for some inspiration and this pin was the only one that seemed like a good idea with a limited amount of effort needed.

Left: Original Pin | Right: Me

Sweater: Vintage | Leggings, Scarf & Leg Warmers: Walmart | Wedges: Kmart
As you can see, I went brighter with my color choices and wore thick leggings instead of just tights. I feel like I look like I'm going to a PITT game or something with the color choices but that's okay. This sweater was actually my moms from way back in the day and it is the most comfy sweater I own. Thanks, Mama! This look was super comfy but with the wedges made me feel dressy, so I was still in a work mode while staying low-key overall. What do you guys think of this look?

Firmoo Giveaway Winners: Alyssa Dreliszak, Sara Strauss, Danielle Wallace, Ellen Ross and Holli Tonini. - Congrats! And thank you to everyone who entered! Winners, please email me at chelsandthecity(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love this idea of taking inspiration from a pin! Very cool idea! I love your bright blue sweater and the scrunched socks are cute. I know how you feel about getting dressed and having nowhere to go. Since I stay at home with my son, there are times I don't even get dressed! Usually when I go out, I spend money. LOL. So I try to stay home. :P <3


    1. Thank you, Toni! I feel like such a bum and don't get anything done if I stay home in sweats all day, so I try to dress up a little bit!

  2. Cute outfit, I love the socks sticking out of your shoes!

  3. So cute and comfy! I like the mix of blue and yellow!! I'm a lazy butt when I'm at home all day and just stay in my pjs! Oops!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I wouldn't get anything done if I stayed in my PJ's all day!

  4. What a great outfit! I love that you even did a picture like the inspiration photo. As someone who worked from home for a short while, I found that just by getting up and getting dressed, including shoes, it made a big difference! When I was staying in my pjs I felt so unmotivated and just blah. Even just putting jeans and a cute sweater on made a huge difference. Love this whole outfit!

    1. Thank you! So true! It just makes me feel ready to get stuff done!

  5. i think this is a fabulous look on you. i love the colors together and i love that scarf!

  6. Thanks for leaving such a darling comment on my blog!
    Blue and yellow are fabulous together!

    Have the best day ever,

  7. I loveeeee these complimentary colors together! I used to not because they were our high school rival's colors, but now I have grown past that haha. I've been wanting to try the whole socks and wedge booties look, but it just doesn't look right with my booties since they're a little more dressy. It looks great on you though! And YAYYYYYY I won!!!! :D :D :D thank you thank you thank you!

  8. You did a great job with your inspiration! Looks so nice and cozy.

  9. I like the bright colors better
    Who doesn't love a great chunky scarf!!!

  10. I like your color combination muuuuuuch better than the pinterest version! Chelsea for the win! :)


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