
Bad Things Happen When You Wear Sweatpants In Public

If you guys know one thing about me, you know that I think wearing sweatpants in public is a sin. I don't care if you're not wearing makeup, your hair is looking a hot mess or there is a stain on your shirt, but if you are wearing sweats in public (or GOD FORBID pajama pants) I will be secretly judging you. I have come to terms with the ideas of wanting to be comfortable and that sometimes jeans are just a tough decision to make, I get it, I wear leggings in public which I realize makes some people judge me. So while I understand why you would wear them in public, I cannot bring myself to do so.

You can blame Stacy and Clinton. Or the strict dress code that Ellwood City school district established during my freshman year of high school. But honestly the last time I remember wearing sweats in public was on the way to the WPIAL Fastpitch Softball Championship in my sophomore year, and we lost. See, bad things happen. So I should have thought of all these things on Monday.

Monday morning, my brother needed me to follow him to the mechanic to get his car fixed so he would have a ride home and not have to wait there while they worked on it. No big deal, and since it was early when we had to leave the house, I thought to myself, "It's okay just wear the sweatpants because no one is going to see you and we're coming right back home after dropping his car off, you can just get ready for the day when you get home." However, Eric and I decided to go through the drive-thru of McDonald's on our way home for breakfast. Still thinking, no big deal, it's a drive-thru, the only person seeing me in sweatpants is my brother and I wear these around the house, no problem.

Problem...bad things happen when you wear sweatpants in public. If you're around Erie during this time of the year, you know that no one cares about plowing the roads until there's some "serious snow" on them, meaning apparently at least eight inches. Well, on our way to McDonald's I started to break early for a red light, knowing that the roads were getting snowy, but got caught on some ice and hit the car in front of me which was already stopped at the light. Don't be worried, everyone is fine, the accident was more of a love tap between our cars. I happened to be driving a Suburban though so there was less damage on my end, considering Suburbans are ridiculously large vehicles, made for inclement weather. Way to suck in this incident though, Chevy.

Anyway, if you've ever been in any kind of minor traffic incident you (should) know that you have to get out of your vehicle, make sure the other car's passengers are okay, take pictures of the cars and area, get local police to report it and swap insurance info. The woman I hit kept saying she didn't know what to do because she was never in an accident before, yet, I have never been in an accident either and still knew what to do. Isn't this part of driver's ed? Anyway, multiple people saw the pants of shame. I guess this is karma for spreading hate for public displays of sweatpants for the past ten years, but let this be a lesson to you all. Wearing sweatpants in public leads to bad things, even if they're the "nice" sweatpants you got from your graduate school.

Don't forget today is the final day to enter the Firmoo glasses giveaway!
I'm picking 5 random winners at midnight so be sure to enter while you still can.


  1. haha it's like the sweat pants are a curse or something! It's funny that I read this today- my hubby and I just got in a little fender bender ourselves a few hours ago. While I was not wearing sweat pants I was however wearing my maternity leggings! (currently 7 months preggo) So maybe any comfy or stretchy pants in general are a curse. :P

    1. It must be! Let's blame them for it at least haha - hope your accident wasn't too serious!

  2. Haha awww stupid sweatpants! It's funny, I have always felt the same way about sweatpants, until recently. I don't think just any sweatpants are cute to wear in public, but the ones with tapered bottoms that have been popping up everywhere are pretty awesome. So I will admit: I've been wearing them in public. (I will try to dress them up with a cute loafer and necklace - so that's legitimate, right?)

    1. Yes, I've seen those ones and currently have a love hate relationship with them haha

  3. First of all, i am so glad that you guys were okay and it wasn't anything serious!! Secondly, you are your sweatpants NO NO cracks me up! Honestly, I don't even think I own a pair!! LOL!

  4. Oh my god, I had to laugh throughout this post because it's like I could see it coming- I didn't know exactly what was going to happen but I knew the sweatpants were to blame. :)

  5. This is kind of hilarious!! I feel like it's always the days where I don't wear make up and haven't washed my hair in two days that everyone I know is out when I go to run a quick errand! I have never ever worn sweatpants in public! It's not that I'm so set against other people wearing sweatpants, but I feel so sloppy when I wear them! It takes just as long to slip on a comfy pair of jeans than it does to pull on sweatpants, but that's just me!

    1. YES! Why is everyone out and about when we look our worst and no one is around when we're skipping along looking cute!? haha

  6. My boyfriend tries to get away with rocking sweatpants in public ALL THE TIME. I have to constantly shame him so I am sure some karma is coming my way once I do the same!

  7. Too funny. I'm not big on sweatpants but that is all my husband wants to wear. And to make it worst his favorite pair are velvet, deep purple with a couple of bleach spots. SMH

    1. Oh no! You boyfriend's favorite pair are not cute either, but velvet is a bit too much haha

  8. Ha Ha...those sweatpants will get you everytime
    There is one sketchy grocery store near us that I will sometimes go to if I am in my "grubbies" and absolutely need something
    Even my boys know that is where I am going if they see me grab my keys and say I'm heading out

  9. I agree with this 1000%! I hate sweatpants/pajamas in public, but I have gotten in the habit of wearing my yoga pants in the car rider line. It's probably a mistake/accident waiting to happen;)


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