
Do Work, Chels.

If you remember a couple days ago I mentioned that I had big news that I wanted to share with you, and if you are a friend of mine on Facebook then you already know this news, but I have been offered my first full-time, big girl, for serious, job.

I am the newest member of the Dress for Success Pittsburgh team and I don't think I could be happier. I am the Branch Manager for the Washington County branch of Dress for Success and am excited to get started, because this job will allow me to combine my educational background of Public Relations, with my love for non-profits and working with people, and my passion for styling all into one. And I am ready to rock Washington County.

If you do not know about Dress for Success, it is an international organization that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. What I like most about this organization is that it is focused on women, and gives those women the tools to empower themselves. I truly believe that empowerment comes from a desire within yourself to make a difference in your life, and not that other people can empower you. And I think Dress for Success gives women the tools to empower themselves. I'm so thrilled to be a part of this organization.

I also am very blessed to have such an amazing support system through my job hunt journey and I promise each of you that I will pass on your words of encouragement to my future, job-seeking clients. The opinions expressed in this post and throughout my blog are not necessarily the reflection of my employer, but are solely my own.


  1. Aww..congratulations!! That organization sounds so exciting and empowering. I can't wait to hear more about it. :) Also, I was going to let you know that the link you left on my last post for your blog was the wrong blog address. I think you fully typed out Chelsea. It scared me cause I thought your blog had been deleted! <3


    1. Thanks, Toni! And no worries, I'm still here lol I must have been in the zone while commenting and not paying attention, sorry about that!

  2. Congratulations! What an amazing opportunity and a wonderful cause. We did a clothing swap about a year ago and all leftovers were donated to Dress for Success.

    1. That's awesome and a great idea I might have to use! And thank you!

  3. I volunteered as a stylist at DFS for two years, but had to stop once my son got sick
    It is the best job ever
    Seeing the change in attitude, body language and demeanor as you are helping them find a look are priceless

  4. Chels,

    Congrats! It's always great when you can combine your passion into your work or work into your passion. And it's even better when it involves helping make other peoples' lives better and empowering others. -Jess L

    1. Thank you, Jess! I'm excited to be able to combine all my loves together with this position.

  5. Congratulations, and that sounds like a wonderful job for you! Keep us posted on how it goes.


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