
Chels Wears: $10 Neon

Owl Ring & Leather Bracelet: Charlotte Russe | Braided Belt: Unknown
Neon Shirt: Dollar General | White Tank: JCPenney | Pants: Target | Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Just to brag for a moment, while I was out wearing this outfit, I got a lot of compliments but one lady came up to me and said don't you just love that top? And she went on and on about how she just got the same one from Old Navy and for only $30 dollars and how much she loved it. Naturally I agreed with her because I love it too, but I got this little stunner from the Dollar General, for ten dollars. Sorry, ma'am.

Morale of the story: never question where you can find a great outfit piece. I'm all about saving money, especially when it comes to clothes because I buy them basically everywhere I can, so those couple racks of clothes that you've been overlooking at your local dollar store, stop overlooking. It's usually not a guarantee that you'll find anything awesome there, but sometimes you get nice surprises like this one! And for the record, I did see this shirt at Old Navy earlier in the week, but promised myself to only shop in their clearance section, so I passed on it. Lucky for me, I found it twenty dollars cheaper while I was out buying cat food...it's the little things.


  1. YUM! I love this idea- so healthy and delicious!

  2. What an awesome score! I occassionally peruse the clothing racks at the dollar stores too. Like you said, you never know what surprises you might find. Great color combo!

    1. Right!? I used to always overlook them but since moving to Pittsburgh I never do. Thanks!

  3. This outfit looks so good on you. The colors are great and the belt really makes it flattering. Also Dollar General has clothes? What? SCORE!

  4. I need to try mixing blue and yellow more! You look great in yellow by the way!

    1. Thanks so much, Sara! It's more green in real life, but I actually like the yellow look to it in these pictures a bit better haha

  5. These colors look great on you Chelsea.

  6. Haha sweet! I love when people brag about how much they paid for something and I am thinking.. uhh I only paid $2 for this haha!!



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