
To the Wonder at Harris Theater

Living downtown, everything (except a grocery store) is at my fingertips. Which I love. I will never be able to explain how much I love living downtown. Anyway, I have been hard at work trying to find a job, get to graduation, and design the new Pioneer Magazine. So after all of my magazine spreads were turned in on Monday, I craved some alone time in some place other than my apartment. What better than to treat myself to a movie with subtitles?

This was my first time at the Harris Theater and I have to say, I was impressed. The Harris Theater is just a little baby theater, seating about 200 people. It is a part of the Cultural Trust, is run by Pittsburgh Filmmakers, is the only downtown movie theater, and is open every day of the week. So for being such a little guy, it's doing big things. Also, for those of you who complain about movies being too expensive and blah blah blah, the Harris is not only cheaper than the big movie theaters for tickets, but their concessions are also priced much cheaper than big theaters. My large Diet Coke and box of Cookie Dough Bites came to $3. Thanks for being fair, Harris Theater.

Harris Theater - lovely old marquee!
I sat in the balcony, which made the "me time" even better because no one else sat up there and I was at eye level with the screen. To the Wonder is a film staring Ben Affleck, Olga Kurylenko, Rachel McAdams, and Javier Bardem, and is about love. Love of self, of a partner, an old flame, of God, home, life, etc. It was beautiful. It felt very indie, with atypical camera angles, extreme close ups and super soft lighting. But the storyline was gorgeous.

Ben Affleck plays Neil, who travels to Europe and meets and falls in love with Marina (Olga Kurylenko) and he convinces her, and her ten year old daughter to move with him to America where he is an environmental inspector. In the beginning, like all love stories, everything is perfect. But life begins to "get in the way." Marina turns to Father Quintana (Javier Bardem) for guidance, even though he is struggling with his faith and being able to find the joy in life as well. Eventually, Marina and her daughter return to Paris because of their expired visas, which is when Neil runs into Jane, (Rachel McAdams) his former girlfriend and falls in love with her again. But I'll let you figure out for yourself what happens after that.

Photo Credit
Now, while Olga is really the female lead in this movie and she was amazing and plays a free-spirit perfectly; my girl, Rachel steals the whole thing. She embodies all that is feminine and powerful. She really makes this movie. And though this probably was her most quiet role, she is flawless and beautiful. Not to mention, every outfit she wore, I want in my closet.

Overall, the experience was perfect. The film gave me some perspective on things and the Harris Theater is so charming, and such a wonderful gem for downtown. It was just what I needed to clear out my mind after working so hard on those magazine spreads. I really encourage you to check out this location, whether or not it's for To the Wonder, they do have a few other good looking films coming up that you could see instead if subtitles aren't your thing. :)


  1. I've heard of this movie and I always love Miss Rachel McAdams. They have a cheaper movie theatre in Fresno, but since we don't really know anyone in Fresno, we don't have a babysitter, and so we never go to movies. LOL. My son wouldn't be that interested! And a diet coke and candy for $3 is amazing!! <3


    1. True, I don't think a three year old would like this movie! You'll have to wait until it comes out and rent it, then let me know what you think!!

  2. Haven't heard of this movie, but I love Rachel McAdams
    Will keep a look out for this in theaters

    1. I don't think there was much advertising for it - I was planning to go to the Harris no matter what they were playing that day but I'm glad this is what they happened to be playing! You should definitely check it out.

  3. Glad you enjoyed the film. I confess that I'm so out of it lately, I've never even heard of this movie. I use to go to the movies all the time...And good luck with your magazine endeavor. I want to say I'm a bit of a city girl too; I don't necessarily have to live in the city, but I have to be able to get to it pretty quickly. -Jessica L


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