
If I become a hipster, blame my brother.

On Saturday, bright and early, I joined my brother, Eric, for Record Store Day. We bopped all around the city to Dave's Music Mine in the South Side, Eide's in The Strip District, and Sound Cat Records in Bloomfield, to get some totally sweet deals on some exclusive music on that lovely old vinyl.

Record Store Day is a nation-wide day to encourage people to get out and support stand-alone record stores and really to promote local business. Eric, who has always been my music guru, recently has been bit by the vinyl loving bug and is using our dad's old record player. But I have just started to become more interested in the possibility of getting a record player, so I tagged along to start my collection. Guess I need a record player now!

While I have been to Dave's before, Eide's and Sound Cat were new to me and I was actually surprised at their large quantities of music on vinyl and CD. Record Store Day is not just for buying vinyl, you know. Here's a look at the goods Eric and I purchased, at got fo freee! Have a great (Music) Monday, everyone!

Brother Instagramed me while I looked for some goods in Sound Cat Records.
Me & Eric with our finds and free stuff! (I'm so happy, I found Amy Winehouse on HOT PINK vinyl.)


  1. Well, you have the hipster glasses, which I do love by the way...I like supporting small, local businesses too. I like supporting the economy. Anyways, looks like a fun time and makes me want to go thrifting again. I haven't been in a while! -Jessica L


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