
Fashion Week: Meet Stephanie of Glam & Graffiti

I am celebrating one year of Fashion Forward Fridays this week by hosting fellow Pittsburgh bloggers for Chels & the City Fashion Week. I started Fashion Forward Fridays because I wanted to prove to GQ that Pittsburgh is a fashionable city, despite their mention of our city being the third-worst-dressed in America. So for the past year, I've been randomly stopping people on the street to ask them their thoughts on fashion and Pittsburgh and feature them on this blog! Since this Friday marks the one year anniversary, what better way to celebrate than to host Fashion Week?

If you've been following along with Fashion Week here, than you know that each day I'm featuring a Pittsburgh fashion blogger and to top off the week, a giveaway sponsored by ModCloth and Heinz History Center focused around vintage fashion is also going on. (You can enter below.) You have already met Sarah of Coming Unstitched and Zoe of Pittsburgh in Polka Dots, Liz of Schmatta Matters and today, Stephanie of Glam & Graffiti.
All photos from Stephanie.

I met Stephanie at the Maniac Magazine blogger event awhile back and cannot explain how quickly and easily she lit up the room and really brought a sense of life to the party. I loved that she made her way into conversations and took gorgeous pictures of the event. And since then, I have been following along with her blog that always impresses me. I love her fun-loving energy and writing style. She is the definition of Pittsburgh style, with her daily looks that are sometimes glam and sometimes grungy. I'm sure you'll begin to love her too!  I mean come on, look at this picture and not smile....you just cannot do it! Stephanie has such a great energy and it comes across clearly in her blog as well.

For this week, I sent all of my selected Pittsburgh fashion bloggers the same list of questions I typically ask the fashionista's I find out in the city, but this week I'm letting their responses speak for themselves. Here's what Stephanie has to say...

Where are some of your favorite places to shop?

How would you describe your sense of style?
Edgy chic.

What are some of your favorite fashion trends right now?
My favorite fashion trends right now are leather, cut outs, statement sunglasses, and loud, floral prints that are just perfect for spring!

What is some advice you would give to someone who is looking to amp up their style?
If you are rocking unique shoes to work or a daring, bold print in class...always wear it with confidence, which is easier said than done! A new look worn with confidence beats out a piece that makes you uncomfortable any day.

GQ named Pittsburgh the 3rd worst dressed city in the nation - do you agree/disagree and why?
A little of both! I think the natural style of the city as a whole is pretty edgy. The city of Pittsburgh is truly a working city and the style seems effortless. I think GQ needs to account for the fact that our....eh, beautiful...winter weather may need to be considered. On a blistery, cold day, I wish nothing more to walk around with a blanket over my head. I can see how the reappearance of Uggs, North Faces, and infamous Steelers gear can elicit a different train of thought. Just wait 'til spring GQ! We'll show ya.

Where did you get the pieces you are wearing in your photos?
My closet, local boutiques, and stores! My favorite pieces are finds that I pick up while traveling. My closet is a scrapbook of my travels .

Why did you start fashion blogging?
I wanted to create a place where I could unite my love for fashion, modeling, writing, and entrepreneurial drive. Glam and Graffiti has become a trendy news source with girl-next-door advice to show my readers that trying a new fashion trend, being themselves, and showing their own creativity can be incredibly fun and self-empowering.

Anything else you'd like to add... 
Sure! I am 21, senior at University of Pittsburgh studying International Marketing (I am bit of the business geek!) and an entrepreneur at heart :) Some fun facts: I have modeled and love walking the runway! And, I can solve a Rubik's Cube in 40 seconds. Twitter: @GlamandGraffiti and Facebook: /glamandgraffiti.

Be sure to enter the giveaway below! Only two days left to enter and you don't want to miss your chance to win this great prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It's been so much fun "meeting" all of these Pittsburgh bloggers! Such a great idea. And by the way, you'll love your eShakti dress. I have gotten a few from them now and I've loved them all!

  2. I am just loving this entire outfit
    Wish all the pieces were in my closet right now

  3. This is a great feature - I love her style and that sequin blazer is just insanely fabulous!

    Pearls & Paws


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