
Life Lately

Hey there. I've been in and out of blogger mode for a bit, so I figured I show you guys what's up. Mostly I've been prepping for the end of my last ever semester of education...well, until I decide to get my PhD, which may never happen but I'd like to think I'll eventually have time for it. Anyway, pretty much I've been filling all of my time with applying to jobs. So, cover letting writing and looking at my resume about a thousand times a day. Also looking at apartments around Pittsburgh that I'd like to move in to, but cannot commit to until I figure out where I'll be working, so also I've been (admittedly) wasting time on Pinterest looking at how to decorate said apartments that I cannot get yet and applying for more jobs so I can soon figure that out. (Notice, I am the queen of the run-on sentence.) Oh, and going to work and class. Oy vey! Life of a grad student, so glamorous.

ONE | My mama works at a daycare and was able to color me this picture. Clearly of me and baby Khalifa.
TWO | Point Park gave me this awesome shirt because I'm graduating next month!!
THREE | I got my cap, gown and hood for graduation. Masters robes have weird sleeves by the way.
FOUR | I bought a MacBook Pro! I'm so happy to finally have a Mac. I had my HP laptop for TEN years. Woof.

Hope you've all been having a great week!
Also: Check out Coming Unstitched for a great giveaway that you can enter to win ANY print from Sarah's Etsy shop!


  1. Im so proud of you. You've definitely come a long way baby! You've worked so hard, I picture nothing but good things to come in your in your future. :)
    Aunt Kathy

  2. Haha, I love that she colored you that picture! When I was a sparks leader I totally used to do the craft with the kids (they were so fun!) and then try to give them to my boyfriend!

    Some Snapshots Blog

    1. lol I love it! Sometimes she sends me ones that the kids colored for me too but they're more special from my mommy :) Thanks for visiting my blog!


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