
Cold nights look good on you, Pittsburgh.

During the week, a friend of mine asked me to show her brother around the city so he could take some pictures. Not an uncommon request, considering I can travel the "weird" Pittsburgh traffic patterns like a pro and know where to go for some great shots. And although it began to snow when we first headed out, the pictures turned out great after it cleared. Cold air rolling of the tops of the buildings and a perfectly clear night, these photos are true images of Pittsburgh. Few things look better to me than bright city lights.

You can check out more of Nehemiah's photos on his website. He'll be using these, along with some others he took in Pittsburgh and some of Austin, Texas in an upcoming show in Texas where he is located. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek! My favorite one is last. Which is your favorite?


  1. Wow, the city looks amazing! I've always wanted to go to Pennsylvania or really anywhere in the east. The city building just look so different than the ones in California. I bet it's really cool living in a city that has so much history! <3


    1. It is amazing, Toni! I love all the old buildings and seeing the new ones being built next to them. Downtown is like a little architectural style timeline and at night just looks even better!

  2. Beautiful photos
    I lived in Philly for 3 years, but never made it to Pittsburgh.
    Looks like I should have visited when I had the chance

  3. Replies
    1. I'll let him take the credit for how great they are, but it was fun showing him around the city I love!

  4. These are such gorgeous photos of the city I've come to adore.

    1. Glad you're loving your move to the area, Sarah! (We'll have to work on your football loyalties next.)

  5. Love the photos and thanks so much for all your lovely comments!

    1. No problem! I just like to leave comments worth reading haha

  6. These pictures are beautiful, and really make me want to visit Pittsburgh. I like the first one best.

    1. You should! There is plenty to see and do here!
      Thanks for visiting my blog.


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