
Red Pants for Inaugurating

Have I mentioned how much I love my life? Because I do, a lot. On Monday, like I said, I went to Washington D.C. to watch the 2013 Inauguration. Point Park University offered a free bus trip to the city for about 60 students and since D.C. is my second favorite city, my friend Erin easily talked me into heading a few hours south for the Inauguration. And she easily talked me into it because I am all about once in a lifetime experience for free and the chance to see my girl, Beyonce.

Erin was also about to snag us some Gold Viewing Area tickets (what!) so not only did we have free transportation to D.C., we had free tickets to a prime viewing area of the event and Point Park hooked us up with free unlimited metro passes for the day. Honestly. My life is fabulous. I am so thankful. And the weather in D.C. was nothing like the freezing temperatures of Pittsburgh so we were dressed perfectly to be standing around outside for hours. After the ceremony, Erin and I planned to catch the metro back out of the city to avoid the crowds for the rest of the day, but as expected, a few of the metro trains broke down, probably from overuse and too many people on them, so we walked all the way through downtown D.C. since most of the roads and sidewalks were closed for the parade.

Eventually, we made it out of the city and to Bethesda for dinner at the greatest place ever! American Tap Room was the perfect place for our late lunch/dinner to refuel and not to mention, they had the best cozy, leather chairs. Sigh. I could live there forever. And then, of course, before getting back on the metro to head out of the city completely to catch our bus back to Pittsburgh, we walked over to D.C. Cupcakes, yes of TLC, to treat ourselves to some to-die-for cupcakes. My favorite: the Inauguration Red Velvet. Yum! Now onto the pictures, enjoy...

Feeling mighty American while standing here.

Gold Viewing Area Ticket
Glad I picked the reds for 30x30x30

Queen B singing the National Anthem.


  1. Sounds like fun! I love those red pants

  2. Sounds like a great time!
    Red velvet cupcakes= yum

  3. That's so cool that you got to go! I didn't watch the inauguration live, but I've watched some footage of it. I bet it was so cool to be in DC and those red velvet cupcakes sound amazing! <3


  4. This is so cool that you got to have this experience
    I am sure it is something that you will never ever forget
    You are looking pretty patriotic as well

  5. I'm totally jealous! And your red pants are awesome.

  6. Your outfit is so CUTE! You're brave for wearing red pants. They look great on you, but they kind of scare me when I try them on. Haha. I'd do burgundy though...

    1. I'm obsessed with colored jeans so I don't see it as brave, but thank you!

  7. I am SO sad I left DC before this. :( I miss living there soooo much!

    But your outfit and photos are so great!


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