
Fashion Forward Fridays Submission: Meet Mae!

You're in for a treat fashion-lovers. For Fashion Forward Fridays today, not only is a great outfit being shown on a beautiful reader who submitted her photos to me, but this reader also happens to be a friend of mine, and a ModCloth employee. Say what, karaoke? All of you are already hooked, I know it. Mae is so obviously a ModCloth girl too. She always has a great look and is so on trend with a vintage feel. She's that girl who is setting the bar with her style and puts pieces together that you probably never would have thought of otherwise and makes you want to dress better yourself. An inspirational fashionista if you will...

Mae, who is my friend and who works at ModCloth is today's reader submitted fashionista!

Mae considers her style to be classic and comfortable and of course loves getting clothes from ModCloth. She also likes to shop at H&M, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and American Eagle. And also said she's completely obsessed with finding designer deals at places like Marshall's and T.J. Maxx. And while she shops at these very mainstream places, Mae always seems to come up with something unique and gorgeous.

For anyone looking for ways to amp up their style, Mae says that accessorizing can be the thing that sets your style apart from others. She said, "It's amazing what a pair of pearls, cute clutch or patterned scarf can do for a simple outfit." And as for Pittsburgh being called the third worst dressed city by GQ, Mae said that she couldn't say that she was surprised by this mention and didn't disagree completely because she thinks that Pittsburgh is a very laid back city and it's definitely time for all of us to step it up in the fashion department.

Left: Mae's winter wear for the cold Pittsburgh temps. & Right: Mae's shear ModCloth top is classic and trendy.

And also true to ModCloth employee style, Mae wanted me to make sure you guys knew that this shirt that she has on is actually from ModCloth and you ladies are able to buy it HERE. Hope you all enjoy the weekend! And remember to keep it stylish, Pittsburgh!

Reminder - The next reader submission Fashion Forward Fridays is scheduled for February 22nd!
Get your best outfits together and send me some photos to chelsandthecity[at]gmail[dot]com
I will pick my favorite by Thursday, February 21st and email you for an interview!


  1. Oh, isn't she lucky?! What a fun job that must be for her?! And you get to know firsthand what all the new cute pieces are! -Jessica L

  2. She looks great! Such cute style! And um, she works at MODCLOTH? Dream job!

  3. love the black and white polka dots with the red coat
    fan of modcloth from way back

  4. Her style is so cute and vintage-y. I'm swoonin' for that top too. What a lucky girl to work for ModCloth.


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