
Indo Asian Fusion - Eat Up!

As I said in my last post, my friend Kait and I were able to have a lovely adventure of Wednesday. While we first stopped in to see two exhibits at the ToonSeum, we really only headed over to the that area of downtown Pittsburgh because Kait mentioned seeing a new restaurant when she was riding the bus into work. New downtown restaurant?...we were sold.

Logo for the Restaurant
While we thought it was just another Chinese place, we were in for a treat. The new restaurant, Indo Asian Fusion, was so much more than that. Luckily, Kait and I walked in with about an hour left during the lunch buffet time so we were able to sample a little bit of everything. The buffet is out daily for lunch from 11am - 3pm and for dinner on Friday and Saturday from 6pm - 10pm. Indo Asian Fusion is just what downtown needs. If you've never been to a fusion restaurant, this would be a great place to test out. It had the perfect blend of traditional Indian and Asian dishes and so many sauces and vegetables, we were easily filled up and for only $7.99!

Now I will admit that my absolute favorite item on the buffet was a little strawberry tart dessert, but that's because my taste buds are always craving strawberries. Anyway, if you are downtown and are open to trying new things, you must try this restaurant. Not only was it yummy and a great change to the typical lunch break, but the service and decor were fabulous.

The kind of food you can expect. Photo Credit.
For there only being one waiter on the floor during the lunch break, he was very attentive and kept that water coming! Which is a must for any place with a lot of spicy foods. And everyone else in the restaurant seemed to be getting the exact same, great service. Indo Asian Fusion also is just a beautiful space. With it's dark wood floors and rich red and yellows throughout the restaurant, it felt good to be there. The walls also have a lot of artwork that are for sale as well, so it was interesting to be in a space that was obviously well planned and also a great place for gallery-worthy pieces to be. (They also had beautiful brown bowl sinks in the bathroom that I just adored.) To say the least, this place was well thought out. The concept and food itself will bring you in, but the decor and quality service will bring you back again and again.

I know I will become a regular at this place because the price was great for a nice downtown buffet, the food was delicious, the space is beautiful and honestly, the service was just so good. I cannot rave enough about this place, it is exactly what downtown needs and I really appreciate it being here. Make your way to 957 Liberty Ave. You will be glad you stopped in and your tummy (and taste buds) will thank you all day!


  1. Ive been to indo Asian fusion a couple weeks ago the food is Delicious, the atmosphere is upscale, all around good time

    1. Yeah - I loved it too. Thanks for your stopping by the blog!


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