
Fashion Forward Fridays: My Week!

Alright friends, so in a couple hours I have an interview that I am really excited for; however, that leaves me no time to hop around downtown to find a fashionista for Fashion Forward Fridays. So today, I am featuring three of the cutest outfits I think that I wore in the past week. Those of you who are regulars, next week we'll get back to the typical search and those of you who are stopping by because I am a featured blogger on Coming Unstitched today, thanks for stopping by and I hope you become a regular!

Pictures made with Polyvore.
First up, Monday! Ah, everyone's least favorite day. My Monday's are (currently) pretty open, so I am able to take my time getting ready, go to a weekly meeting about an advertising campaign I am working on and then usually spend the rest of my day in the Point Park Library...because I am a nerd. So this also gives me time to hang out with friends if I get all of my work done. So I wore this outfit all day and then it made for the perfect number to wear out to go see House at the End of the Street with Isaac and Jodi and then grab dinner in at Emilianos. I very much love this outfit and even though I don't like to repeat outfits, I might make an exception for this one. I got a lot of compliments on my bus ride over to SouthSide Works, which just screams fabulous. I also did one of my best ballerina buns for the occasion, making me look kind of snotty, but hey, we all have those days. Ha. My pink cardigan is an oldie from Old Navy, and the mint floral top I wore is actually a one shoulder dress from Maurice's that I hemmed to make into a shirt instead. Love.

For Wednesday, all I have to do is go to night class, but that does not mean I let my outfits lack. This might be offensive but I hate when people do not dress nicely for class. Sorry. I also never (okay maybe I did once) wear sweatpants in public. So it irks me when people do - especially to class. I just feel that class is our form of a work environment right now and should dress nicely. No pencil skirt or suit needed, but I think students should at least look put together. So I try my best to dress nicely, even if it is just class. I love this outfit because I recently bought these peach colored jeans from Target and love mixing them with bold colors. Never be afraid of color. Something bright always makes a person stand out in my opinion. However, unlike the picture, my pop of blue is actually an over-sized blue vest in this color, that I cannot find a picture of anywhere. It's from Express but I got it from Plato's Closet for $3 - which is a steal for how much I love it and wear it often. Do you have any great pieces like that?

Finally Thursday, this is an outfit I wore last week. It was raining here in the 'burgh and I had class, but again, I still felt the need to dress nicely, like I always do. So I did my best in creating an outfit that would keep my hair from going crazy in the humidity, hence the baseball hat, that I paired with a side braid. My favorite! Anyway, in this picture it shows a Twins hat, but I certainly did not wear that, I was rocking the Boston Red Socks hat...because though I love the Pittsburgh Pirates, you've gotten have a backup team. (Thanks, Eric for picking my backup team.) This outfit also was able to still be cute even though I was just wearing a baseball hat. I think it's a simple chic that I really enjoy, and makes an outfit look effortless. Also, pretty much everything in this outfit came from Target, which is usually my go-to store for anything, especially clothes. And the hat was probably stolen from my brother. Thanks!

What great outfits have you had in the past week or so? Make sure you keep them coming, especially if you are downtown Pittsburgh! You never know when you'll run into a blogger wanting to feature you on her blog. Keep it colorful, confident and classy, Pittsburgh! Happy Weekend.


  1. I think my favorite is the Thursday look. I always love a classic, effortless look! Hope your interview went well!

    1. Thanks! I don't often keep it so simple because I'm obsessed with accesories but rainy days always make me want to have less fuss so I'm not potentially soaked and sitting in a lot of items lol


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