
How to Make Ryan Gosling Your Valentine

Hey girl, settle down, Ryan Gosling isn't really going to be your Valentine (damn that, Eva Mendes) but here is a great line up of his movies that will make you fall in love with him all over again. Because honestly, even if you are in a relationship, how can you deny this beautiful man who cares about your feelings? Oh, also I'm not including The Notebook because that is too obvious and expected, I'm offering better for my readers. So grab your favorite girls, some good wine and snacks and curl up on the couch, then get ready to swoon.

All photos from IMDb
So here's the proper lineup for a night in with your girls and the man of our dreams. He'll make you laugh and cry and really think in these and the crescendo of these movies will probably break your heart. Oh, man. Happy Galentine's Day.

Lars and the Real Girl
Stick with me on this one. Ryan Gosling is not hot in this movie but he plays such a funny and precious role that it'll make your little heart melt. Plus, it's best to start off your night less dramatic. He's a little sweetheart as Lars and you cannot help but love his quirky ways.

Half Nelson
This role, I think, really shows his range as an actor. He's a mess and all put together at the same time and plays a teacher, which come one, who didn't have a teacher crush at least once?

Crazy Stupid Love
One of my favorite movies of all time. Not a total chick flick either because most of the plot is Ryan's character getting Steve Carell's to "man up." However, one of the greatest scenes is when he's with Emma Stone and she says to him, "God it's like you're Photoshopped." And yeah, yeah, he looks like he is. He plays a very wise-ass character who is really just a big softy, you'll be in love right away.

Blue Valentine
Personally, I think this is better than The Notebook. Yeah, I said it. You'll laugh at his singing, you'll cry over their love, and you'll certainly finish all the wine. So raw and beautiful. Trust me on this one.


  1. Wow, I think the only one that I've seen on this list is Crazy Stupid Love. lol. I will have to check the other ones out!

  2. Crazy Stupid Love is one of those movies I can watch over and over again. Blue Valentine is not. That movie depressed the crap out of me! Haha!

  3. Perfect post. I have only seen Blue Valentine--it was actually one of my first dates with my boyfriend! First movie in theaters and we went shortly after we started dating. Such a heart-breaking but beautiful movie. He hated it, I quite enjoyed it. I have been dying to see Crazy Stupid Love but it's not on Netflix! Grr.

  4. I love Crazy Stupid Love! Great movie!!

  5. That ones is so great though! At least you've seen it!

  6. Haha! Agreed but I love a good little cry movie every now and then.

  7. OMG - so heartbreaking for a first date! Glad you guys survived that haha


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