
Chels Wears: Winter Romper

Scarf & Leg Warmers: WalMart | Cardigan: Old Navy | Boots: UrbanOG | Romper: Forever 21 | Tights: Target
I have been on the hunt for a romper for what feels like forever. It's not an easy thing to come by when I'm slightly taller than the average female and have curves for days. My friend Theresa (Hi, Tiny T!) has the perfect frame for rompers and I always get so jealous around spring/summer time when I see her in one. They just seem so care free and can easily be casual or dressy that I have wanted one forever.

Then, without warning, here comes Forever 21 Plus to the rescue. I honestly should have known better and looked here first but just recently found this little number at the Millcreek Mall and am so excited. Obviously, too excited to wait until spring to wear it, so thank you, tights and leg warmers! I probably should have gone a size down because the top half is too big (like show everyone my goods, too big) but nothing a safety pin can't fix, and wearing a scarf over it all day helped keep everything in check. And I'm certain that my butt will always be too big to properly fit into any kind of shorts, so the fact that I actually stayed covered in this is a win for me. 

Also, for anyone wondering what is going on with this hat...it's actually Eric's. Which means it's much too big and the wind wasn't helping. Needless to say, I did not end up wearing the hat all day even though I love it so much. I was handmade by my friend Kait. And these pictures were taken a week ago, so by now we have about twice as much snow...joy.


  1. Forever 21 comes through like a champ again!! This is such a fun and funky look...I like it!!! And I need to wear my scarf .like this more often....thanks for reminding me that it is hiding somewhere in my closet! Ha!

  2. I love that you're wearing your romper in winter! I have yet to see another blogger do this! Scarf and tights are perfect pairs with it.

  3. ack, you are brave! I love the crochet addition.

    Marie @ In Our Happy Place

  4. you look awesome in this outfit! very cute outfit--perfect for "romping" at any season! :)

  5. Haha, I love wearing my boyfriend's clothes! You look adorbs.

  6. I love that you're wearing a romper in winter! All of the layers make it wearable and look warm! The polka dots are so cute!

  7. Not boyfriend...brother haha and he should be used to me stealing his clothes by now, I've been doing it since the 1st grade lol


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