
Chels Wears: Puff Trooper by Callanan

Hat: Callanan | Jacket: TJ Maxx | Sweater & Jeans: WalMart | Shirt: Neighborhood Teaze | Boots: Payless
I know, I know, I take an unannounced absence and then when I come back it's with a super casual outfit. How lame of me. But, how great is this hat!? If you know me, you know that I am obsessed with hats. So when I was sent this one to review, I was crazy excited. And to be honest, I really do love this one. It's black so it can go with everything and the lining is so warm and soft. Perfect for winter, especially with the ear flaps, love, love, love it.


  1. Hi Chelsea, just dropping by to extend you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead!
    Best Wishes.

  2. This hat looks so cute on you!! Happy holidays!

  3. Thanks so much, Peggy! Hope you have a great Christmas as well!


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